Results 1 to 10 of about 1,824,863 (126)
Formalising Fisher's Inequality: Formal Linear Algebraic Proof Techniques in Combinatorics [PDF]
The formalisation of mathematics is continuing rapidly, however combinatorics continues to present challenges to formalisation efforts, such as its reliance on techniques from a wide range of other fields in mathematics. This paper presents formal linear
C. Edmonds, Lawrence Charles Paulson
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Enumerative Geometry Meets Statistics, Combinatorics, and Topology [PDF]
We explain connections among several, a priori unrelated, areas of mathematics: combinatorics, algebraic statistics, topology and enumerative algebraic geometry.
M. Michałek
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The Department of Mathematics at Harvey Mudd College will host its 8t annual Mathematics Conference on Saturday, October 7, 2006. Keynote speakers will discuss new developments and applications of enumerative combinatorics. Faculty, postdoctoral fellows
Mireille Bousquet-Mélou+3 more
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A view from the bridge spanning combinatorics and probability [PDF]
This paper presents an offering of some of the myriad connections between Combinatorics and Probability, directed in particular toward combinatorialists.
R. Pinsky
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Multiple-Solution Tasks in Pre-Service Teachers Course on Combinatorics
In the paper, we present a study devoted to the utilization of multiple-solution tasks (MSTs) in combinatorics as a part of a pre-service teachers course on didactics of mathematics from the view of the mathematics teachers’ specialized knowledge (MTSK ...
Ingrid Semanišinová
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Bringing a CURE into a Discrete Mathematics Course and Beyond
Course-based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) have been well developed in the hard sciences, but math CUREs are all but absent from the literature.
Lipika Deka+2 more
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Analytic Combinatorics is a self-contained treatment of the mathematics underlying the analysis of discrete structures, which has emerged over the past several decades as an essential tool in the understanding of properties of computer programs and ...
P. Flajolet, R. Sedgewick
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An essay on proof, conviction, and explanation: multiple representation systems in combinatorics
E. Lockwood+2 more
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