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Group Invariant Solutions in Mathematical Physics and Differential Geometry

open access: green, 2001
To appear in the proceedings of the 2000 NSF-CBMS conference The Geometrical Study of Differential Equations, 10 pages ...
Ian Anderson   +2 more
  +8 more sources

Manifold Shape: from Differential Geometry to Mathematical Morphology [PDF]

open access: closed, 1994
Much progress has been made in extending Euclidean mathematical morphology to more complex structures such as complete lattices or spaces with a non-commutative symmetry group. Such generalizations are important for practical situations such as translation and rotation invariant pattern recognition or shape description of patterns on spherical surfaces.
Jos B. T. M. Roerdink
openalex   +4 more sources

A Survey of the Differential Geometry of Discrete Curves [PDF]

open access: yes, 2013
Discretization of curves is an ancient topic. Even discretization of curves with an eye toward differential geometry is over a century old. However there is no general theory or methodology in the literature, despite the ubiquitous use of discrete curves
Daniel Carroll   +3 more
semanticscholar   +3 more sources

Integrable systems arising in differential geometry and mathematical physics [PDF]

open access: green, 2006
Our thesis is divided into 2 independant chapters each other corresponding to a paper. In the first chapter, we define a notion of isotropic surfaces in O, i.e. on which some canonical symplectic forms vanish. Using the cross-product in O we define a map rho from the Grassmannian of plan of O to the 6 dimension sphere.
Idrisse Khemar
openalex   +2 more sources

Using the GeoGebra interactive mathematical system in teaching differential geometry. Spatial curves [PDF]

open access: goldVestnik of Orenburg State Pedagogical University. Electronic Scientific Journal, 2019
G. A. Klekovkin
openalex   +2 more sources

Moufang Patterns and Geometry of Information [PDF]

open access: yesPure and Applied Mathematics Quarterly, 2021
Technology of data collection and information transmission is based on various mathematical models of encoding. The words"Geometry of information"refer to such models, whereas the words"Moufang patterns"refer to various sophisticated symmetries appearing
N. Combe, Y. Manin, M. Marcolli
semanticscholar   +1 more source

The Effect of Dynamic Mathematics Software Geogebra on Student’ Achievement: The Case of Differential Equations

open access: yesJournal of Educational and Social Research, 2021
In mathematics, a differential equation uses important mathematical concepts like function, derivative, integral, etc. Geogebra is a dynamic mathematical software uniting geometry, algebra and differential calculus. There are two objectives in this study.
Mohamed Latifi, K. Hattaf, N. Achtaich
semanticscholar   +1 more source

Computational Conformal Geometry: A Review [PDF]

open access: yes, 2022
Conformal geometry is considered as a fundamental topic in pure mathematics including complex analysis, algebraic geometry, Riemann surface theory, differential geometry and algebraic topology.
Bhuiyan, Sabia Akter
core   +3 more sources

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