Results 1 to 10 of about 2,561,543 (217)
Transitions in abstract algebra throughout the Bachelor: the concept of ideal in ring theory as a gateway to mathematical structuralism [PDF]
International ...
Julie Jovignot, Thomas Hausberger
openalex +3 more sources
A Study on Algebra of Groups and Rings Structures in Mathematics
Naga Chengalvala+3 more
openalex +2 more sources
A Study on Algebra of Groups and Rings Structures in Mathematics
openalex +2 more sources
A digraph $D$ is primitive if there is a positive integer $k$ such that there is a walk of length $k$ between arbitrary two vertices of $D$. The exponent of a primitive digraph is the least such $k$. Wielandt graph $W_n$ of order $n$ is known as the digraph whose exponent is $n^2 − 2n + 2$, which is the maximum of all the exponents of the primitive ...
Yongjun Jang+2 more
openaire +28 more sources
Anti-pre-Lie algebras, Novikov algebras and commutative 2-cocycles on Lie algebras [PDF]
Anti-pre-Lie algebras, Novikov algebras and commutative 2-cocycles on Lie algebrasWe introduce the notion of anti-pre-Lie algebras as the underlying algebraic structures of nondegenerate commutative 2-cocycles which are the "symmetric" version of symplectic forms on Lie algebras.
arxiv +1 more source
From Rota-Baxter Algebras to Pre-Lie Algebras [PDF]
Rota-Baxter algebras were introduced to solve some analytic and combinatorial problems and have appeared in many fields in mathematics and mathematical physics. Rota-Baxter algebras provide a construction of pre-Lie algebras from associative algebras.
arxiv +1 more source
Vertex Algebras and Costello-Gwilliam Factorization Algebras [PDF]
Vertex algebras and factorization algebras are two approaches to chiral conformal field theory. Costello and Gwilliam describe how every holomorphic factorization algebra on the plane of complex numbers satisfying certain assumptions gives rise to a Z-graded vertex algebra. They construct some models of chiral conformal theory as factorization algebras.
Vertex Lie algebras, vertex Poisson algebras and vertex algebras [PDF]
The notions of vertex Lie algebra and vertex Poisson algebra are presented and connections among vertex Lie algebras, vertex Poisson algebras and vertex algebras are discussed.
У статтi розглядається частково впорядкованi множини та їх зв’язок з булевими алгебрами та кiльцями. Представлено ряд тверджень, якi доцiльно вивчати при знайомствi з алгебраїчними структурами студентам фiзико-математичного факультету спецiальностi 014 Середня освiта (Iнформатика) в курсi дискретної математики.
openaire +1 more source
Lax operator algebras of type $G_2$ [PDF]
Lax operator algebras for the root system $G_2$, and arbitrary finite genus Riemann surfaces and Tyurin data on them are constructed.