Results 1 to 10 of about 741,008 (299)
Self-Regulation of Star Formation in Low Metallicity Clouds [PDF]
We investigate the process of self-regulated star formation via photodissociation of hydrogen molecules in low metallicity clouds. We evaluate the influence region's scale of a massive star in low metallicity gas clouds whose temperatures are between 100
de Jong T.+5 more
core +4 more sources
Metallicity gradients in local field star-forming galaxies: Insights on inflows, outflows, and the coevolution of gas, stars and metals [PDF]
We present metallicity gradients in 49 local field star-forming galaxies. We derive gas-phase oxygen abundances using two widely adopted metallicity calibrations based on the [OIII]/Hbeta, [NII]/Halpha and [NII]/[OII] line ratios.
Bresolin, Fabio+6 more
core +3 more sources
Determining the metallicity and semiconductivity of a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) bundle plays a particularly vital role in its interconnection with the metal electrode of an integrated circuit.
Quan Yang+10 more
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In this paper, we make use of data collected for open cluster members by high-resolution spectroscopic surveys and programmes (i.e., APOGEE, Gaia-ESO, GALAH, OCCASO, and SPA). These data have been homogenised and then analysed as a whole.
Lorenzo Spina+2 more
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The effect of the metallicity-specific star formation history on double compact object mergers [PDF]
We investigate the impact of uncertainty in the metallicity-specific star formation rate over cosmic time on predictions of the rates and masses of double compact object mergers observable through gravitational waves.
C. Neijssel+9 more
semanticscholar +1 more source
The growing database of exoplanets has shown us the statistical characteristics of various exoplanet populations, providing insight towards their origins.
Jonathan H. Jiang+4 more
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Progenitors of Long-Duration Gamma-ray Bursts
We review the current scenario of long-duration Gamma-ray burst (LGRB) progenitors, and in addition, present models of massive stars for a mass range of 10–150M⊙ with ΔM=10M⊙ and rotation rate v/vcrit=0 to 0.6 with a velocity resolution Δv/vcrit=0.1.
Arpita Roy
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The progenitors of compact-object binaries: impact of metallicity, common envelope and natal kicks [PDF]
Six gravitational wave events have been reported by the LIGO-Virgo collaboration (LVC), five of them associated with black hole binary (BHB) mergers and one with a double neutron star (DNS) merger, while the coalescence of a black hole-neutron star (BHNS)
N. Giacobbo, M. Mapelli
semanticscholar +1 more source
The mass–metallicity and the fundamental metallicity relation revisited on a fully Te-based abundance scale for galaxies [PDF]
The relationships between stellar mass, gas-phase metallicity and star-formation rate (i.e. the mass–metallicity, MZR, and the fundamental metallicity relation, FMR) in the local Universe are revisited by fully anchoring the metallicity determination ...
M. Curti+3 more
semanticscholar +1 more source
The influence of metallicity on helium and CO core masses in massive stars [PDF]
We present the results of 58 detailed evolutionary models of massive single stars and close binary systems with the Solar and Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) metallicity computed with the MESA (Modules for Experiments in Stellar Astrophysics ...
Petrović Jelena
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