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Mexican Village: Josefina Niggli’s Border Crossing Narrative [PDF]

open access: yesText Matters, 2018
The paper presents Josefina Niggli (1910–83), an American mid-twentieth-century writer who was born and grew up in Mexico, and her novel Mexican Village (1945).
Jadwiga Maszewska
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open access: yesFilolog, 2023
This paper examines the role of women in the Mexican Revolution starting from the novel La Negra Angustias written by the Mexican writer Francisco Rojas González.
Светлана В. Стевановић
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Monitor and censor. Intelligence networks and journalistic censorship in revolutionary Mexico, 1911-1923 [PDF]

open access: yesЛатиноамериканский исторический альманах, 2022
Controlling information and keeping an eye on enemies were two fun-damental activities for the different revolutionary factions in the revolutionary decade (1910-1920) and in the early years of the post-revolutionary stage. The armed struggle has aspects
Francisco Iván Méndez Lara
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1821: The end of New Spain, dreams of an impossible Mexico

open access: yesKorpus 21, 2021
From 1808 to 1821, New Spain lived a revolution that transformed everything: the regime, the silver economy, social relations, political and religious cultures.
John Tutino
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La photographie au service d’un mythe fondateur de la nation : l’exemple des images de la Révolution mexicaine

open access: yesLes Cahiers ALHIM, 2008
The analysis of the reuse of Mexican Revolution photographs in the illustrated press of Mexico during the Post-Revolution period (1910-1940) reveals how a vast, original iconographic body (the whole set of Civil War photographs was taken during the ...
Marion Gautreau
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Christianiser la Révolution mexicaine : l’idéologie de l’Union Nationale des Étudiants Catholiques (années 1930)

open access: yesNuevo mundo - Mundos Nuevos, 2016
This contribution analyses the ideology of the National Catholic Student Union (UNEC), a Mexican organization created in 1931 and which lasted until the beginning of the 1940s.
Romain Robinet
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Women and Revolution: Maruxa Vilalta's 1910 [PDF]

open access: yes, 2003
The "birth" of the modern Mexican nation is generally considered to be 1910, the start of the Mexican Revolution. That same revolution led to the creation of the PRI, which virtually controlled Mexican politics until Vicente Fox’s election to the ...
Magnarelli, Sharon
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Alegorías, metáforas y símbolos en el cine sobre la Revolución mexicana

open access: yesCaravelle, 2011
This work intends to analyze the way Mexican cinema has built allegoric images of the Mexican Revolution through sequences or key scenes which, far from being a collection of official images, show the complexity of the Mexican filmmakers’ vision of the ...
Alvaro Vázquez Mantecón
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Mexican art exhibitions in New York as cultural diplomacy, 1928-1932 [PDF]

open access: yes, 2016
In the aftermath of the 1910 Mexican Revolution, the postrevolutionary state launched an innovative campaign that exported the country’s emerging art and culture, which glorified its indigenous roots. The strategy of expanding its nation-building project
Rendon, Darcy
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Beyond the Revolution: New Perspectives on Late Nineteenth- and Early Twentieth-Century Mexico

open access: yesLatin American Research Review, 2018
This essay reviews the following works: Sons of the Mexican Revolution: Miguel Alemán and His Generation. By Ryan M. Alexander. Albuquerque: University of Mexico Press, 2016. Pp. vii + 239. $29.95 paperback. ISBN: 9780826357397.
Jürgen Buchenau
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