Results 1 to 10 of about 45,715 (174)

Pairwise-Covariance Multi-view Discriminant Analysis for Robust Cross-View Human Action Recognition

open access: yesIEEE Access, 2021
Human action recognition (HAR) under different camera viewpoints is the most critical requirement for practical deployment. In this paper, we propose a novel method that leverages successful deep learning-based features for action representation and ...
Hoang-Nhat Tran   +5 more
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Geographic distribution notes on Trimetopon barbouri Dunn 1930 from western Panama [PDF]

open access: yesCheck List, 2013
We document the first records of the small colubrid snake Trimetopon barbouri Dunn, 1930, from Coclé Province, Republic of Panama. Comparisons with the type description are presented for one specimen.
Julie Ray   +4 more
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A New Miniaturized Gas Sensor Based on Zener Diode Network Covered by Metal Oxide

open access: yesMicromachines, 2021
The development of “portable, low cost and low consumption” gas microsensors is one of the strong needs for embedded portable devices in many fields such as public domain.
Vignesh Gunasekaran   +6 more
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Accurate image derived input function in [18F]SynVesT-1 mouse studies using isoflurane and ketamine/xylazine anesthesia

open access: yesEJNMMI Physics, 2023
Background Kinetic modeling in positron emission tomography (PET) requires measurement of the tracer plasma activity in the absence of a suitable reference region.
Alan Miranda   +3 more
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Encoding Capacity Enhancement for Chipless RFID Tag Using Resonant Frequency Placement

open access: yesIEEE Access, 2023
In this study, a novel encoding approach for chipless radio frequency identification (RFID) tags is proposed. This tag is designed with $N$ resonant elements, each of which can be parameterized to resonate at $M$ individual desired frequencies ...
Cong-Cuong Le   +3 more
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Sapap3 deletion causes dynamic synaptic density abnormalities: a longitudinal [11C]UCB-J PET study in a model of obsessive–compulsive disorder-like behaviour

open access: yesEJNMMI Research, 2020
Background Currently, the evidence on synaptic abnormalities in neuropsychiatric disorders—including obsessive–compulsive disorder (OCD)—is emerging. The newly established positron emission tomography (PET) ligand ((R)-1-((3-((11)C-methyl-(11)C)pyridin-4-
Dorien Glorie   +5 more
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A Variable-Length Chromosome Genetic Algorithm for Time-Based Sensor Network Schedule Optimization

open access: yesSensors, 2021
Scheduling sensor nodes has an important role in real monitoring applications using sensor networks, lowering the power consumption and maximizing the network lifetime, while maintaining the satisfaction to application requirements.
Van-Phuong Ha   +3 more
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Range extension and natural history observations of a rare Panamanian snake, Geophis bellus Myers, 2003 (Colubridae: Dipsadinae) [PDF]

open access: yesCheck List, 2015
The fossorial snake Geophis bellus is a small Panamanian endemic previously known only from the holotype. Here we report additional specimens, which greatly expand the known range of the species ca.
Luis Elizondo Lara   +3 more
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Du graphique à l’infographie. De l’art de faire parler les images

open access: yesInterfaces Numériques, 2020
Cet article cherche à interroger le rôle de l’image dans les modèles argumentatifs du data journalisme et de l’infographie. Deux analyses détaillées d’articles de presse sur le réchauffement climatique permettront de définir la mise en image comme un ...
Ludovic Chatenet, Stéphanie Cardoso
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Corporate Identity: Developing Means for Sustainable Competitive Advantage in Indian Context Towards Model Development

open access: yesOrganizations and Markets in Emerging Economies, 2016
Corporate identity is a dynamic and premeditated asset integral to gaining competitive advantage in the market. It spans both the internal and external functions of the organisations. It is a variable that needs to be studied cohesively.
Varsha Jain   +3 more
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