Results 1 to 10 of about 301,524 (365)

Thermal equilibrium of a macroscopic quantum system in a pure state [PDF]

open access: yesPhys. Rev. Lett. 115, 100402 (2015), 2015
We consider the notion of thermal equilibrium for an individual closed macroscopic quantum system in a pure state, i.e., described by a wave function. The macroscopic properties in thermal equilibrium of such a system, determined by its wave function, must be the same as those obtained from thermodynamics, e.g., spatial uniformity of temperature and ...
Goldstein, Sheldon   +3 more
arxiv   +3 more sources

Sorting of Chiral Microswimmers [PDF]

open access: yesSoft Matter 9, 6347-6542, 2013, 2012
Microscopic swimmers, e.g., chemotactic bacteria and cells, are capable of directed motion by exerting a force on their environment. For asymmetric microswimmers, e.g., bacteria, spermatozoa and many artificial active colloidal particles, a torque is also present leading in two dimensions to circular motion and in three dimensions to helicoidal motion ...
Mijalkov, Mite, Volpe, Giovanni
arxiv   +5 more sources

Behavioral modulation of the coexistence between Apis melifera and Varroa destructor: A defense against colony colapse disorder? [PDF]

open access: yes, 2015
Colony Collapse Disorder has become a global problem for beekeepers and for the crops which depend on bee polination. Multiple factors are known to increase the risk of colony colapse, and the ectoparasitic mite Varroa destructor that parasitizes honey bees is among the main threats to colony health.
Bliman, Pierre Alexandre   +2 more
arxiv   +9 more sources

The Relationship Between Vegetation Type and Population Density-Diversity of Spiders in Certain Vegetable Crops [PDF]

open access: yesArab Universities Journal of Agricultural Sciences, 2023
The experiment was carried out on three different vegetable crops, Cucumber Cucumis sativus L. (Cucurbitaceae), eggplant Solanum melongena L. (Solanaceae) and okra Abelmoschus esculentus L.
Hamdi Abd El-Karim, Marguerite Rizk
doaj   +1 more source

Detecting common allergens in dogs with atopic dermatitis in South Korean Provinces using a serological immunoglobulin E-specific allergen test [PDF]

open access: yesVeterinary World, 2022
Background and Aim: Canine atopic dermatitis (CAD) is a hereditary susceptibility to the development of allergic symptoms in response to repeated exposure to generally innocuous substances known as "allergens." Allergens can be plants, animals, mold ...
Gareeballah Osman Adam   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

Studying infant mortality: A demographic analysis based on data mining models

open access: yesOpen Life Sciences, 2023
Child mortality, particularly among infants below 5 years, is a significant community well-being concern worldwide. The health sector’s top priority in emerging states is to minimize children’s death and enhance infant health.
Satti Muhammad Islam   +3 more
doaj   +1 more source

Entodermoscopy update: A contemporary review on dermoscopy of cutaneous infections and infestations

open access: yesIndian Dermatology Online Journal, 2021
Infectious cutaneous diseases are very common, especially in certain geographic and tropical regions. Sometimes they may simulate other dermatoses, ordering verification of diagnosis with particular investigations.
Sidharth Sonthalia   +8 more
doaj   +1 more source

Ketika Perempuan Tidak Cantik: Analisis Atas Representasi Perempuan dalam Webtoon The Secret of Angel [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
Beautiful or not is a socio-cultural construction that is very relative and can be different in every place, time and culture. However, there are beauty standards that are often used as ideal indicators for women to be considered beautiful.
Setiansah, Mite
core   +2 more sources

A comprehensive survey of Rhinonyssid mites (Mesostigmata: Rhinonyssidae) in Northwest Russia: New mite-host associations and prevalence data [PDF]

open access: yes, 2020
Background: Rhinonyssid mites are permanent parasites of birds that inhabit their respiratory tract. There are around 600 species described worldwide and almost all species of birds are found to have embedded rhinonyssid mites.
Dimov, Ivan   +2 more
core   +2 more sources

Efficient preparation of the AKLT State with Measurement-based Imaginary Time Evolution [PDF]

open access: yesQuantum 8, 1557 (2024), 2023
Quantum state preparation plays a crucial role in several areas of quantum information science, in applications such as quantum simulation, quantum metrology and quantum computing. However, typically state preparation requires resources that scale exponentially with the problem size, due to their probabilistic nature or otherwise, making studying such ...
arxiv   +1 more source

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