Results 1 to 10 of about 1,549,017 (253)

Neutrino Masses, Mixing and New Physics Effects [PDF]

open access: greenPhysical Review D, 2003
We introduce a parametrization of the effects of radiative corrections from new physics on the charged lepton and neutrino mass matrices, studying how several relevant quantities describing the pattern of neutrino masses and mixing are affected by these ...
A. Rossi   +69 more
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Microfluidic Mixing: A Physics-Oriented Review

open access: yesMicromachines, 2023
This comprehensive review paper focuses on the intricate physics of microfluidics and their application in micromixing techniques. Various methods for enhancing mixing in microchannels are explored, with a keen emphasis on the underlying fluid dynamics ...
Sri Manikandan Saravanakumar   +1 more
doaj   +4 more sources

Do physics and politics mix? [PDF]

open access: bronzePhysics World, 2001
It is true that the recent US Presidential election, with the fiasco over vote-counting in Florida, brought calls for more scientific input into voting machinery, to which the California and Massachusetts institutes of technology, at least, responded.
Robert P Crease
openaire   +2 more sources

B physics beyond the Standard Model at one loop: complete renormalization group evolution below the electroweak scale [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of High Energy Physics, 2017
General analyses of B-physics processes beyond the Standard Model require accounting for operator mixing in the renormalization-group evolution from the matching scale down to the typical scale of B physics.
Jason Aebischer   +3 more
doaj   +4 more sources

The ideal mixing departure in vector meson physics [PDF]

open access: greenThe European Physical Journal C, 2003
In this work we study the departure for the ideal $ - $ mixing angle in the frame of the Nambu-Jona-Lasinio model. We have shown that in that context, the flavour symmetry breaking is unable to produce the shifting in the mixing angle. We introduce a nonet symmetry breaking in the neutral vector sector to regulate the non-strange content of the ...
Huner Fanchiotti   +2 more
openaire   +5 more sources

An analysis of B_{d,s} mixing angles in presence of New Physics and an update of Bs -> K0* anti-K0* [PDF]

open access: green, 2011
We discuss a simple approach to measure the weak mixing angles phi_s and phi_d of the Bs and Bd systems in the presence of New Physics. We present a new expression that allows one to measure directly the New Physics mixing angles if New Physics ...
Javier Virto   +3 more
core   +2 more sources

Search for new physics in $B_s$-mixing [PDF]

open access: yesContinuous Advances in QCD 2008, 2008
We present the current status of the search for new physics effects in the mixing quantities $\Delta M_s$, $\Delta \Gamma_s$ and $\phi_s$ of the neutral $B_s$-system.Comment: Invited talk at Continuous Advances in QCD (CAQCD-08), May 15-18, 2008 ...
Lenz, Alexander J.
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On the ultimate precision of meson mixing observables

open access: yesNuclear Physics B, 2017
Meson mixing is considered to be an ideal testing ground for new physics searches. Experimental precision has greatly increased over the recent years, exceeding in several cases the theoretical precision.
Thomas Jubb   +3 more
doaj   +4 more sources

Unparticle Physics Effects on D0-anti-D0 Mixing [PDF]

open access: hybrid, 2007
The mixing of $K^0-\bar{K^0}$, $D^0-\bar{D^0}$ and $B_{(s)}^0-\bar{B^0_{(s)}}$ provides a sensitive probe to explore new physics beyond the Standard Model.
Li, Xue-Qian, Wei, Zheng-Tao
core   +3 more sources

Physics effects of water mixing pieces [PDF]

open access: green, 1959
The effects of ``water mixing`` pieces on the axial flux distributions and reactivities of the K Reactors are discussed in this report. Two mixing piece configurations in the K piles are compared to provide a basis for determining the optimum configuration with respect to rupture control, reactivity cost and temperature cycling effects.
G.R. Parkos
openaire   +4 more sources

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