Results 1 to 10 of about 1,623,575 (362)
International fitness scale (IFIS): association with motor performance in children with obesity [PDF]
Background Overweight and obesity are defined as abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a risk to health; and compared with their normal-weight peers, these individuals tend to have a lower level of self-confidence, and consequently lower ...
Mariangela Valentina Puci+8 more
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Are anthropometric characteristics powerful markers to predict the Cooper Run Test? Actual Caucasian data [PDF]
Background Cardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is a powerful marker of cardiovascular health, especially in youth. Several field tests can provide accurate measurement of CRF, the Cooper Run Test (CRT) is generally preferred by physical education (PE ...
Gianluca Azzali+6 more
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Mental disorders are highly prevalent worldwide and have a high impact on daily functioning. Exercise therapy was found to improve health of individuals with physical and mental disorders.
Vito Lamberti+9 more
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Background: Physical fitness (PF) is positively related to skeletal and metabolic health, and it had an inverse relation with obesity. Adolescents with obesity have the worst performance in PF and speed-agility (SA) that contributes to an augmented risk ...
Matteo Vandoni+8 more
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Exergames to Limit Weight Gain and to Fight Sedentarism in Children and Adolescents with Obesity
Exergames are defined as digital games that require bodily movements to play, stimulating an active gaming experience to function as a form of physical activity (PA).
Valeria Calcaterra+12 more
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Intensive Rehabilitation Program in Arterial Occlusive Disease Patients
Peripheral arterial occlusive disease (PAOD) limits walking efficiency and distance. The main disabling symptom is vasculopathy that leads to claudicatio intermittens and limits walking efficiency.
Luca Marin+7 more
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Down syndrome (DS) is one of the most common chromosomal disorders. In addition to this variety of dysmorphic features. DS is also associated with a wide range of diseases and related comorbidities affecting different organs and systems.
Matteo Vandoni+9 more
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Simulation of a flat folding nano-swimmer confined in a nanopore [PDF]
We use molecular dynamics simulations to investigate the displacement of a simple butterfly-like molecular motor inside nanopores of various radii filled with a viscous medium. The medium is modeled with a versatile potential that may be adjusted to represent a large number of materials. It was found previously that the motor folding not only increases
arxiv +1 more source
Only 20% of children worldwide reach the suggested physical activity (PA) levels, and the COVID-19 restrictions seemed to have worsened this situation.
Alessandro Gatti+5 more
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The home advantage (HA) affects football competitions, especially due to the presence of crowd support. Even though several studies demonstrated that HA (which is influenced by the crowd) decreased in recent years, the empty stadia caused by COVID-19 ...
Matteo Vandoni+8 more
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