Results 1 to 10 of about 82,927 (309)

Nasal bone to nasal tip length ratio for describing nasal bone hypoplasia and predicting trisomy 21 [PDF]

open access: yesArchives of Medical Science, 2019
Introduction Fetal nasal bone hypoplasia has been proven to be a strong marker for trisomy 21 during second trimester ultrasonography. Rather than evaluating the nasal bone hypoplasia according to the nomograms, it may be possible to evaluate it with a ...
Emre Ekmekci   +2 more
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Effect of the vertical facial pattern on the developmental relationship between the nasal bone and maxillary central incisors [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Oral Health, 2023
Background This study aimed to investigate the effect of vertical facial patterns on the developmental relationship between the nasal bone and maxillary central incisors.
Jianwei Shi   +7 more
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Etiology and Epidemiology of Nasal Bone Fractures in Patients Referred to the Otorhinolaryngology Section, 2019 [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Archives of Otorhinolaryngology, 2023
Introduction One of the most observed diseases in the otorhinolaryngology emergency, compared with the other facial fractures, is related to nasal bone fractures (NBFs). The peak of incidence is seen in the age group ranging from 11 to 30 years old.
Rahim Davari   +2 more
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Establishment of a Finite Element Model of Normal Nasal Bone and Analysis of Its Biomechanical Characteristics

open access: yesEmergency Medicine International, 2023
Nasal bone is a long, paired series of small bones, which is narrow at the top and broad at the bottom, that forms the base of the nasal dorsum. Together with the nasal part of the frontal bone, the frontal process of the maxilla and the middle plate of ...
Liuqing Zhang   +5 more
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Concurrent management of nasal bone expansion from nasal polyposis (Woakes' disease) [PDF]

open access: yesLaryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 2022
Background Woakes' disease is the eponymous name for severe chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyposis (CRSwNP) leading to thinning and expansion of the nasal pyramid.
Alexander Dickie   +2 more
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A retrospective clinical investigation for the effectiveness of closed reduction on nasal bone fracture [PDF]

open access: yesMaxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery, 2019
Background The nasal bone is the most protruding bony structure of the facial bones. Nasal bone fracture is the most common facial bone fracture. The high rate of incidence of nasal bone fracture emphasizes the need for systematical investigation of ...
Byung-Hun Kang   +6 more
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Primary intra osseous venous malformation of nasal bone: A rare case report [PDF]

open access: diamondIndian Journal of Plastic Surgery, 2014
Primary intra osseous venous malformation with involvement of nasal bone is a rare phenomenon. Nasal bone intraosseous venous malformation on a back ground of port wine stain of face has not been reported in the available literature.
Ajit Kumar Pati   +3 more
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Effect of lidocaine on pain caused by nasal pack removal after closed reduction of nasal bone fractures [PDF]

open access: yesArchives of Plastic Surgery, 2020
Background Pain caused by nasal pack removal after closed reduction of nasal bone fractures is a common problem. This study investigated the effect of infiltrating lidocaine into nasal packs on the pain caused by pack removal after closed reduction of ...
Ji Yoon Sung   +3 more
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Complications After Inadequate Treatment of Nasal Bone Fracture Combined With Septal Fracture: A Case Report [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Rhinology, 2021
In treating a nasal bone, an incomplete nasal bone reduction can result in nasal deformity, both aesthetic and functional, requiring a secondary operation.
Seung Koo Yang, Seung-No Hong
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The Usefulness of Nasal Packing with Vaseline Gauze and Airway Silicone Splint after Closed Reduction of Nasal Bone Fracture [PDF]

open access: yesArchives of Plastic Surgery, 2012
Background Packing after closed reduction of a nasal bone fracture causes inconvenient nasal obstruction in patients. We packed the superior meatus with Vaseline gauze to support the nasal bone, and packed the middle nasal meatus with a Doyle Combo ...
Hyo Young Kim   +3 more
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