Calcinosis Cutis of the Nasal Dorsum [PDF]
Summary:. Calcinosis cutis is a common dermatological problem in patients with systemic sclerosis, dermatomyositis, and systemic lupus erythematous; however, it is rare to occur outside of these diseases.
Henry R. Marsh, BS+3 more
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Congenital Mucocele of the Nasal Dorsum: A Case Report [PDF]
Congenital nasal dorsum cysts are very rare lesions. Its differential diagnosis lies between gliomas, dermoid cysts and encephaloceles. We present a case of solitary congenital external nasal cyst with no intranasal fistulous tract connection in a ...
Seçil Bahar Dal, Ömer Faruk Ünal
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A new flap combination for reconstruction of lower nasal dorsum and supra-tip skin defects [PDF]
Repairing surgical defects of the nose is still challenging due to its tridimensional shape and its aesthetic concern. Difficulty in reconstructing nasal subunits lies in their contour, skin texture and limited availability of adjacent skin.
Mélanie Guesnier+5 more
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Lymphoma on the nasal dorsum: Report of a rare case
Lymphoma over the nasal dorsum has never been reported. Herein, we report the case of a 74-year-old man who presented with a rapid swelling on the nasal dorsum. A physical examination revealed a firm, immobile, non-tender mass.
Lei Zhu+3 more
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Lateral nasal advancement flap for reconstruction of the nasal sidewall and dorsum [PDF]
Malignant skin tumors and precancerous lesions have a predilection to be located in the nasal dorsum or sidewall. Although invasive reconstructions have been presented, no simple and suitable method has yet been reported for this area. The flap presented
Yutaka Ogawa, Yasuko Ogawa
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Subcutaneous hemangioma on nasal dorsum: a case report [PDF]
Introduction Hemangioma is a benign tumor made up of blood vessels and typically occurs as a slightly elevated purplish or reddish area of skin. Hemangioma is mostly found superficially; subcutaneous hemangioma in the nasal dorsum is rare.
Hamsu Kadriyan+7 more
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Nasal dorsum reconstruction in the cutaneous oncology setting [PDF]
The nose is one of the most frequent anatomic locations of skin cancer. The purpose of surgery is not only fully eliminating the tumor but also preserving nose function and aesthetics. Reconstruction of defects involving the nasal dorsum usually presents
Pedro M. Garrido+5 more
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In vivo evaluation of a regenerative approach to nasal dorsum augmentation with a polycaprolactone-based implant [PDF]
Background Alternative techniques for nasal dorsum augmentation are of paramount importance in reconstructive and plastic surgery. In contrast to autologous cartilage grafts, tissue-engineered grafts can be created de novo and yield low–none donor site ...
Paul S. Wiggenhauser+3 more
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Continuous positive airway pressure device-associated nonhealing ulcer on the nasal dorsum: chondrodermatitis nodularis nasi. [PDF]
Reinhart JP+3 more
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Evaluation of postoperative patient satisfaction after covering the nasal dorsum with upper lateral cartilage: “upper lateral closing” [PDF]
Introduction: Following nasal hump removal during septorhinoplasty, the middle vault should be reconstructed to avoid functional and esthetic problems.
Can Alper Çağıcı
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