Results 1 to 10 of about 944,387 (42)
Smooth affine group schemes over the dual numbers [PDF]
We provide an equivalence between the category of affine, smooth group schemes over the ring of generalized dual numbers $k[I]$, and the category of extensions of the form $1 \to \text{Lie}(G, I) \to E \to G \to 1$ where G is an affine, smooth group ...
Matthieu ROMAGNY, Dajano Tossici
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Periodic balanced binary triangles [PDF]
A binary triangle of size $n$ is a triangle of zeroes and ones, with $n$ rows, built with the same local rule as the standard Pascal triangle modulo $2$.
Jonathan Chappelon
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Hecke eigenvalues of Siegel modular forms (mod p) and of algebraic modular forms [PDF]
In a letter to Tate (published in Israel J. Math. in 1996), J.-P. Serre proves that the systems of Hecke eigenvalues given by modular forms (mod p) are the same as the ones given by locally constant functions on an adelic double coset space constructed ...
Ghitza, Alexandru
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Well-poised generation of Ap\'ery-like recursions [PDF]
The idea to use classical hypergeometric series and, in particular, well-poised hypergeometric series in diophantine problems of the values of the polylogarithms has led to several novelties in number theory and neighbouring areas of mathematics. Here we
Apéry+13 more
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Hyperelliptic curves, continued fractions, and Somos sequences [PDF]
We detail the continued fraction expansion of the square root of a monic polynomials of even degree. We note that each step of the expansion corresponds to addition of the divisor at infinity, and interpret the data yielded by the general expansion.
van der Poorten, Alfred J.
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Congruences concerning Jacobi polynomials and Ap\'ery-like formulae [PDF]
Let $p>5$ be a prime. We prove congruences modulo $p^{3-d}$ for sums of the general form $\sum_{k=0}^{(p-3)/2}\binom{2k}{k}t^k/(2k+1)^{d+1}$ and $\sum_{k=1}^{(p-1)/2}\binom{2k}{k}t^k/k^d$ with $d=0,1$. We also consider the special case $t=(-1)^{d}/16$ of
Apèry R.+7 more
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Characteristic ideals and Selmer groups [PDF]
Let $A$ be an abelian variety defined over a global field $F$ of positive characteristic $p$ and let $\calf/F$ be a $\Z_p^{\N}$-extension, unramified outside a finite set of places of $F$. Assuming that all ramified places are totally ramified, we define
Bandini, Andrea+2 more
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Twisted character of a small representation of GL(4)
We compute by a purely local method the (elliptic) twisted by transpose-inverse character \chi_{\pi_Y} of the representation \pi_Y=I_{(3,1)}(1_3x\chi_Y) of G=GL(4,F), where F is a p-adic field, p not 2, and Y is an unramified quadratic extension of F ...
Flicker, Yuval Z., Zinoviev, Dmitrii
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Smooth numbers in Beatty sequences [PDF]
An asymptotic formula is given for the number of y-smooth numbers up to x in a Beatty sequence corresponding to an irrational number of finite type.
Discretisation for odd quadratic twists [PDF]
The discretisation problem for even quadratic twists is almost understood, with the main question now being how the arithmetic Delaunay heuristic interacts with the analytic random matrix theory prediction.
Conrey, J. Brian+3 more
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