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SherLOCKED: A Detective-themed Serious Game for Cyber Security Education [PDF]

open access: yes15th IFIP International Symposium on Human Aspects of Information Security & Assurance (HAISA 2021), 2021
Gamification and Serious Games are progressively being used over a host of fields, particularly to support education. Such games provide a new way to engage students with content and can complement more traditional approaches to learning. This article proposes SherLOCKED, a new serious game created in the style of a 2D top-down puzzle adventure.
arxiv   +1 more source

Evaluating the adoption of evidence-based practice using Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory: a model testing study [PDF]

open access: yesHealth Promotion Perspectives, 2018
Background: Despite the emergence and development of evidence-based practice (EBP) in recent years, its adoption continues to be limited. This study used Rogers’s diffusion of innovation theory to identify the factors that advance EBP adoption, determine
Mohammad Mehdi Mohammadi   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Mental Health Status of Medical Staff Working in Ardabil Prehospital Emergency During COVID-19 Pandemic

open access: yesHealth in Emergencies & Disasters Quarterly, 2022
Background: Prehospital emergency staff usually encounter patients in situations that can affect the mental health of the medical staff and cause symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress.
Mahnaz Davari   +2 more
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Chosen aspects of medical care in Poland for patient from the Islamic culture

open access: yesJournal of Education, Health and Sport, 2017
Introduction. The progressing globalisation process creates new challenges for healthcare in Poland, which are related mainly providing cultural security for patients from different culture circles. Aim.
Agnieszka Chrzan-Rodak   +5 more
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A survey of social well-being among employees, retirees, and nursing students: a descriptive-analytical study

open access: yesBMC Nursing, 2023
Background Social well-being is one of the essential dimensions of individual health. Nursing is one of the occupations that can affect a person’s well-being. This study aimed to determine social well-being among employees, retirees, and nursing students.
Reza Nemati Vakilabad   +4 more
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Alzheimer's disease - the role of nurses in patient care

open access: yesJournal of Education, Health and Sport, 2019
Alzheimer's disease is the most common degenerative disorder of the brain resulting in dementia. It occurs most frequently among the elderly. This article presents the causes, effects and manner of developing the disease.
Patrycja Polańska   +7 more
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Community Knowledge and Compliance in Doing Prevention of COVID-19

open access: yesSouth East Asia Nursing Research, 2021
Community compliance in taking measures to prevent transmission of COVID-19 must be based on good knowledge about COVID-19 so that it can break the chain of transmission of COVID-19.
Dewi Setyawati, Mei Yolla Ningrum
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Scheduling chemotherapy appointments under uncertainty by considering different nursing care delivery schemes [PDF]

open access: yesFlexible Services and Manufacturing Journal. 2024, 2022
The flexibility level allowed in nursing care delivery and uncertainty in infusion durations are very important factors to be considered during the chemotherapy schedule generation task. The nursing care delivery scheme employed in an outpatient chemotherapy clinic (OCC) determines the strictness of the patient-to-nurse assignment policies, while the ...
arxiv   +1 more source

The effect of prenatal education on fear of childbirth, pain intensity during labour and childbirth experience: a scoping review using systematic approach and meta-analysis

open access: yesBMC Pregnancy and Childbirth, 2023
Background Antenatal education provides parents with strategies for pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood. There is not enough evidence of the positive effect of prenatal education on childbirth and maternal outcomes.
Zohreh Alizadeh-Dibazari   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Nursing Home Staff Networks and COVID-19 [PDF]

open access: yespublished version in: PNAS January 5, 2021 118 (1), 2020
Nursing homes and other long term-care facilities account for a disproportionate share of COVID-19 cases and fatalities worldwide. Outbreaks in U.S. nursing homes have persisted despite nationwide visitor restrictions beginning in mid-March. An early report issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified staff members working in ...
arxiv   +1 more source

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