Patterns and drivers of soil surface‐dwelling Oribatida diversity along an altitudinal gradient on the Changbai Mountain, China [PDF]
Distribution patterns of biodiversity and environmental interactions are dominant themes in ecology. In montane ecosystems, biodiversity is closely associated with altitudinal gradients.
Yiling Lin+6 more
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Inclusion of juvenile stages improves diversity assessment and adds to our understanding of mite ecology - A case study from mires in Norway. [PDF]
Arachnid orders, Mesostigmata, Trombidiformes, and Sarcoptiformes, commonly known as ‘mites’, are abundant in mires, both as adults and as juveniles. However, due to the challenges of identification, the juvenile forms are often excluded from analyses ...
Seniczak A+9 more
europepmc +4 more sources
Soil microarthropods respond differently to simulated drought in organic and conventional farming systems [PDF]
In Central Europe, summer droughts are increasing in frequency which threatens production and biodiversity in agroecosystems. The potential of different farming systems to mitigate detrimental drought effects on soil animals is largely unknown.
Svenja Meyer+4 more
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Repeated convergent evolution of parthenogenesis in Acariformes (Acari) [PDF]
The existence of old species‐rich parthenogenetic taxa is a conundrum in evolutionary biology. Such taxa point to ancient parthenogenetic radiations resulting in morphologically distinct species.
Patrick Pachl+4 more
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Durante la realización de estudios sobre la diversidad y ecología de los ácaros oribátidos de Mongolia se encontró una interesante especie del género Peloribates que aquí se describe como nueva para la ciencia. La nueva especie, Peloribates angulatus, se
B. Bayartogtokh
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Effects of Olive Mill Wastewater on Soil Microarthropods and Soil Chemistry in Two Different Cultivation Scenarios in Israel and Palestinian Territories [PDF]
Although olive mill wastewater (OMW) is often applied onto soil and is known to be phytotoxic, its impact on soil fauna is still unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate how OMW spreading in olive orchards affects Oribatida and Collembola ...
Markus Peter Kurtz+6 more
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Se elabora por primera vez un listado mundial de ácaros oribátidos y en él se relacionan sistemáticamente las cerca de 9.000 especies (y subespecies) válidas hasta ahora descritas con sus correspondientes sinonimias, más de un millar, las cuales se ...
Luis S. Subías
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The effect of different doses of cattle liquid manure, with or without the VIT-TRA agent, on the mites of permanent meadow, with species analysis of oribatid mites (Acari, Oribatida) was investigated.
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Assemblages of Acari in shallow burials: mites as markers of the burial environment, of the stage of decay and of body-cadaver regions. [PDF]
The burial of a cadaver results in reduced arthropod activity and disruptions in colonisation patterns. Here, the distribution and diversity of mite taxa was studied across decomposition stages of shallowly buried pig carcasses (Sus scrofa domesticus ...
Rai JK, Pickles BJ, Perotti MA.
europepmc +3 more sources
Structure of the cuticle of some ptyctimine oribatids (Acari: Oribatida) [PDF]
. The cuticle of Rhysotritia duplicita (Euphtiracaroidea: Euphtiracaridae), Phthiracarus sp., Steganacarus magnus, S. striculus and Tropacarus carinatus (all Phthiracaroidea: Phthiracaridae) was studied by light and transmission electron microscopy.
Jaroslav SMRŽ
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