Results 1 to 10 of about 602,785 (347)

Original Jurisdiction of Federal Questions [PDF]

open access: greenUniversity of Pennsylvania Law Review and American Law Register, 1942
James H. Chadbourn, A. Leo Levin
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Congressional Control of Supreme Court Appellate Jurisdiction: Why the Original Jurisdiction Clause Suggests an "Essential Role" [PDF]

open access: greenThe Yale Law Journal, 1991
There has been considerable debate about the limits of Congress' power under the exceptions clause' to strip the Supreme Court of appellate jurisdiction. Some have argued that Congress may strip the Court of all its appellate jurisdiction, withhold jurisdiction from the lower federal courts, and thereby all but eliminate the judicial branch.2 Others ...
William S. Dodge
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Decentralized and delegated affairs of a state administration in the field of agriculture [PDF]

open access: yesEkonomika Poljoprivrede (1979), 2017
In the Republic of Serbia, the distribution of jurisdiction in the field of agriculture has a distinctive character. Jurisdiction for the affairs in the field of agriculture is disposed on different levels of government. This partition is followed by the
Golić Darko, Počuča Sara
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Lex Rosetta: Transfer of Predictive Models Across Languages, Jurisdictions, and Legal Domains [PDF]

open access: yesIn Proceedings of ICAIL 2021, pp. 129-138. 2021, 2021
In this paper, we examine the use of multi-lingual sentence embeddings to transfer predictive models for functional segmentation of adjudicatory decisions across jurisdictions, legal systems (common and civil law), languages, and domains (i.e. contexts).
arxiv   +1 more source

What is the value and impact of the adaptation process on quality indicators for local use? A scoping review.

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2022
BackgroundQuality indicators (QIs) are designed for improving quality of care, but the development of QIs is resource intensive and time consuming.ObjectiveTo describe and identify the impact and potential attributes of the adaptation process for the ...
Siyi Zhu   +5 more
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The Size of Tax Jurisdiction and Tax Density

open access: yesAnnales Universitatis Mariae Curie-Skłodowska Sectio H, Oeconomia, 2023
Theoretical background: Theory of public finance theory quite widely recognized that the purest indicator of government size is to observe the determinants and trend of level of public spending.
Artur Walasik
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Relevance of pre-contractual arrangements for jurisdiction and merits in international investment arbitration [PDF]

open access: yesZbornik Radova: Pravni Fakultet u Novom Sadu, 2013
In this article the author discusses the issue whether pre-contractual arrangements and pre-investment expenditures may qualify for an investment within the meaning of applicable legal framework.
Đajić Sanja
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