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Scientific Reports, 2021
The discovery of new viruses is important for predicting their potential threats to the health of humans and other animals. A novel picornavirus was identified from oral, throat, and anal swab samples collected from belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), from ...
Gaoyu Wang+20 more
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The discovery of new viruses is important for predicting their potential threats to the health of humans and other animals. A novel picornavirus was identified from oral, throat, and anal swab samples collected from belugas (Delphinapterus leucas), from ...
Gaoyu Wang+20 more
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An overview of the participles ending in -ći, -vši and -m(i) from the perspective of the lexicographic description of the contemporary Serbian language [PDF]
Južnoslovenski Filolog, 2021From the perspective of lexicography, this paper presents an analysis of participles ending in -ći, -vši and -m(i), which in contemporary Serbian language fall within two categories: 1) the category of contemporary participial continuants, whose
Jovanović Vladan Z.
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Az evidencialitás kifejezéseiről boszorkányperekben: következtetés, értékelés és újraértékelés [PDF]
Jelentés és Nyelvhasználat, 2019A dolgozat az információ forrását és a tapasztalatból levonható következtetéseket jelölő kifejezések megítélésével, értékelésével foglalkozik a 16–18. századi boszorkányperes tanúvallomásokban, a fő forrás a Történeti magánéleti korpusz.
Varga, Mónika
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Journal of Fungi, 2020
Fungal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by Trichoderma species interact with a plant host and display multifaceted mechanisms. In this study, we investigated the antifungal activity of VOCs emitted by Trichoderma asperelloides PSU-P1 against ...
Nongnat Phoka+6 more
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Fungal volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by Trichoderma species interact with a plant host and display multifaceted mechanisms. In this study, we investigated the antifungal activity of VOCs emitted by Trichoderma asperelloides PSU-P1 against ...
Nongnat Phoka+6 more
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Forum Lingwistyczne, 2021
Celem autora niniejszego artykułu jest analiza konceptualizacji konstruktu [IŚĆ/JECHAĆ] w ujęciu społeczeństw polskiego oraz włoskiego. Zakładając niewystarczalność narzędzi badawczych tradycyjnych nurtów językoznawczych, autor skłania się ku ...
Ryszard Wylecioł
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Celem autora niniejszego artykułu jest analiza konceptualizacji konstruktu [IŚĆ/JECHAĆ] w ujęciu społeczeństw polskiego oraz włoskiego. Zakładając niewystarczalność narzędzi badawczych tradycyjnych nurtów językoznawczych, autor skłania się ku ...
Ryszard Wylecioł
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The song of Vissungos: tradition and resistance
Working Papers em Linguística, 2015 This research aims to show the importance of the vissungos as part of the African-Brazilian culture. First, we presented a historical contextualization of the songs, which arose among the mining services
Ana Cláudia Fabre Eltermann
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Fórum Linguístico, 2021
Neste artigo, voltamo-nos para a análise da mudança linguística de daí que no português, tomando-o como um novo signo linguístico, ou seja, como um pareamento específico de sentido e forma, uma microconstrução. Integrada simbolicamente em suas subpartes,
Ana Beatriz Arena+1 more
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Neste artigo, voltamo-nos para a análise da mudança linguística de daí que no português, tomando-o como um novo signo linguístico, ou seja, como um pareamento específico de sentido e forma, uma microconstrução. Integrada simbolicamente em suas subpartes,
Ana Beatriz Arena+1 more
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RpoN‐dependent transcription of rpoH?
Molecular Microbiology, 1999Kallipolitis and Valentin-Hansen (1998, Mol Microbiol 29: 1091–1099) recently reported that transcription of rpoH (which encodes the heat shock sigma factor in Escherichia coli ) is controlled by the cAMP–CRP/CytR complex.
M. Pallen
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Contra homonímia e polissemia: em defesa de uma categoria modal para os verbos modais
Fórum Linguístico, 2021Este trabalho discute propriedades morfológicas, sintáticas e semânticas dos verbos modais do português. Seguindo os pressupostos da Gramática Gerativo-Transformacional, este artigo discorre sobre dois problemas bastante caros à caracterização dos ...
Maurício Sartori Resende
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Two Enfants Terribles in Dutch Exile: The Exilic Posture of Jaroslav Hutka and Ivan Landsmann
Acta Universitatis Carolinae: Philologica, 2021This article addresses the topic of authorial posture (as defined by Jérôme Meizoz), in particular the exilic posture. Some exiled authors, listed as examples, or prototypes of that posture, were able to achieve a stable place in the Dutch literary or ...
Lucie Sedláčková
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