Juvenile Paget's Disease with Paranasal Sinus Aplasia [PDF]
Clinical and Experimental Otorhinolaryngology, 2008Juvenile Paget's disease (JPD) is a rare skeletal disorder that's characterized by bone demineralization and elevated levels of serum alkaline phosphatase. JPD involves the paranasal sinuses in extremely rare cases. We report here on a 25-month-old Asian
Ki Beom Bae+4 more
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Incidental detection of paranasal sinuses abnormalities on CT imaging of the head in Saudi adult population. [PDF]
PLoS ONE, 2022The paranasal sinuses are hollowed, air-filled cavities surrounding the nasal cavity. Many pathological processes affect the sinuses, but inflammatory conditions are the commonest, even in asymptomatic patients who undergo head imaging for other ...
Ali Hassan A Ali+10 more
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The bovine paranasal sinuses: Bacterial flora, epithelial expression of nitric oxide and potential role in the in-herd persistence of respiratory disease pathogens. [PDF]
PLoS ONE, 2017The bovine paranasal sinuses are a group of complex cavernous air-filled spaces, lined by respiratory epithelium, the exact function of which is unclear. While lesions affecting these sinuses are occasionally reported in cattle, their microbial flora has
Gerard M Murray+7 more
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This study aims to determine the correlation between the anatomical variations of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses and the quality of life based on SNOT-22 score in the patients who underwent paranasal sinuses CT scan.
Rani Rahmawati
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Basrah Journal of Surgery, 2020Sinonasal tumors are not uncommon lesions, they are either benign or malignant, benign tumors are relatively common while the malignant are considered rare. The inverted papilloma of the paranasal sinuses is the commonest benign tumor and has a potential
Rafid Jabbar
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Sinus computed tomography findings in patients with COVID-19
Einstein (São Paulo), 2021Objective: To analyze computed tomography scans of paranasal sinuses of a series of patients with coronavirus disease 2019, and correlate the findings with the disease.
Daniel Vaccaro Sumi+6 more
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Diagnosis of Fungal Sinusitis; Is Fungal Culture a Must?
Pakistan Armed Forces Medical Journal, 2023Objective: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of computed tomography (CT) of paranasal sinuses (PNS) in detecting fungal sinusitis keeping fungal culture as the gold standard. Study Design: Cross-sectional validation study. Place and Duration of
Mubashrah Aziz+5 more
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The impact of nasal adhesions on airflow and mucosal cooling -- a computational fluid dynamics analysis [PDF]
Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology Volume 293, November 2021, 103719, 2021Nasal adhesions are a known postoperative complication following surgical procedures for nasal airway obstruction (NAO); and are a common cause of surgical failure, with patients often reporting significant NAO, despite relatively minor adhesion size.
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Large Fungal Ball of the Paranasal Sinuses and Nasal Cavity: Two Case Reports [PDF]
International Journal of Biomedicine, 2019Two cases of a large fungal ball of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity are presented and its removal via an endoscopic approach is detailed. The clinical symptoms of the fungal body of the paranasal sinuses are not specific.
Dmitrii Shcherbakov+3 more
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Geometric Atlas of the Middle Ear and Paranasal Sinuses for Robotic Applications [PDF]
, 2021In otolaryngologic surgery, more and more robots are being studied to meet the clinical needs of operating rooms. However, to help design and optimize these robots, the workspace must be precisely defined taking into account patient variability. The aim of this work is to define a geometric atlas of the middle ear and paranasal sinuses for endoscopic ...
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