Results 1 to 10 of about 51,078 (219)

Tabular Parsing [PDF]

open access: yesM.-J. Nederhof and G. Satta. Tabular Parsing. In C. Martin-Vide, V. Mitrana, and G. Paun, editors, Formal Languages and Applications, Studies in Fuzziness and Soft Computing 148, pages 529-549. Springer, 2004, 2004
This is a tutorial on tabular parsing, on the basis of tabulation of nondeterministic push-down automata. Discussed are Earley's algorithm, the Cocke-Kasami-Younger algorithm, tabular LR parsing, the construction of parse trees, and further issues.
arxiv   +4 more sources

On parsing preferences [PDF]

open access: bronzeProceedings of the 22nd annual meeting on Association for Computational Linguistics -, 1984
It is argued that syntactic preference principles such as Right Association and Minimal Attachment are unsatisfactory as usually formulated. Among the difficulties are: (1) dependence on ill-specified or implausible principles of parser operation; (2) dependence on questionable assumptions about syntax; (3) lack of provision, even in principle, for
Lenhart K. Schubert
openalex   +5 more sources

On Parsing as Tagging

open access: yesProceedings of the 2022 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing, 2022
There have been many proposals to reduce constituency parsing to tagging in the literature. To better understand what these approaches have in common, we cast several existing proposals into a unifying pipeline consisting of three steps: linearization, learning, and decoding.
Amini, Afra, Cotterell, Ryan
openaire   +3 more sources

Polo: Adaptive Trie-Based Log Parser for Anomaly Detection

open access: yesMathematics, 2023
Automated log parsing is essential for many log-mining applications, as logs provide a vast range of information on events and variations within an operating system or software at runtime.
Yuezhou Zhou, Yuxin Su
doaj   +1 more source

Parsing as Pretraining

open access: yesProceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2020
Recent analyses suggest that encoders pretrained for language modeling capture certain morpho-syntactic structure. However, probing frameworks for word vectors still do not report results on standard setups such as constituent and dependency parsing.
Vilares, David   +3 more
openaire   +6 more sources

Scene Graph Parsing as Dependency Parsing [PDF]

open access: yesProceedings of the 2018 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, Volume 1 (Long Papers), 2018
In this paper, we study the problem of parsing structured knowledge graphs from textual descriptions. In particular, we consider the scene graph representation that considers objects together with their attributes and relations: this representation has been proved useful across a variety of vision and language applications.
Alan L. Yuille   +3 more
openaire   +2 more sources

To Parse or Not To Parse [PDF]

open access: yes, 1998
In this paper, we reconsider the problem of specialising the vanilla meta interpreter through fully automatic and completely general partial deduction techniques. In particular, we study how the homeomorphic embedding relation guides specialisation of the interpreter. We focus on the so-called parsing problem, i.e.
Vanhoof, Wim, Martens, Bern
openaire   +5 more sources

A syntactic component for Vietnamese language processing

open access: yesJournal of Language Modelling, 2015
This paper presents the development of a syntactic component for the Vietnamese language. We first discuss the construction of a lexicalized tree-adjoining grammar using an automatic extraction approach. We then present the construction and evaluation of
Phuong Le-Hong   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

On the Use of Parsing for Named Entity Recognition

open access: yesApplied Sciences, 2021
Parsing is a core natural language processing technique that can be used to obtain the structure underlying sentences in human languages. Named entity recognition (NER) is the task of identifying the entities that appear in a text.
Miguel A. Alonso   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

A Semi-Automatic Methodology for Making FMEA Surveys [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal of Mathematical, Engineering and Management Sciences, 2021
This paper proposes a semi-automatic methodology to assist the user in creating surveys about FMEA and Risk Analysis, based on a customized use of the tools for semantic analysis and in particular a home-developed syntactic parser called Kompat Cognitive.
Christian Spreafico, Davide Russo
doaj   +1 more source

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