Results 1 to 10 of about 2,665,000 (379)
Scientometrics Analysis of World Scientific Research of Pathology and Forensic Medicine. [PDF]
This study examines the extent of scientific publications and patents in pathology and forensic medicine globally and the citation relationship between them from 2011 to 2020, indexed in the Scopus database.In this scientometric study, data were extracted from the SciVal citation database. Search feature and library study method and annual growth rate,
Jozi Z, Nourmohammadi H.
europepmc +6 more sources
Applications of 3D printing in forensic medicine and forensic pathology. A systematic review
Three-dimensional (3D) printing became more widely available in the past decade, its medical applications are rapidly growing. The technology has also a large potential in forensic sciences – including forensic medicine and pathology.
Gábor Simon, Viktor Soma Poór
doaj +4 more sources
4th International Conference on Forensic Sciences, Forensic Medicine and Criminology 2023 (INFOMEC 4.0) [PDF]
The INFOMEC 2023 organized by the Management and Science University (MSU) is proud to celebrate the 4th anniversary of the International Conference on Forensic Science, Forensic Medicine, and Criminology.
Muhammad Jefri Mohd Yusof+6 more
doaj +4 more sources
The PERFORM-P (Principles of Evidence-based Reporting in FORensic Medicine-Pathology version)
Most findings of forensic pathology examinations are presented as written reports. There are currently no internationally accepted recommendations for writing forensic pathology reports. Existing recommendations are also varied and reflect the differences in the scope and role of forensic medical services and local settings in which they are to be ...
Putri Dianita Ika Meilia+11 more
semanticscholar +7 more sources
A Perspective on Veterinary Forensic Pathology and Medicine in the United Kingdom [PDF]
Internationally, forensic medicine and pathology are increasingly recognized as an important aspect of work done by veterinary clinicians and veterinary pathologists. In this article, a forensic veterinary clinician, a forensic veterinary pathologist in private practice, and a forensic veterinary pathologist at a veterinary school discuss the ...
Simon Newbery+2 more
semanticscholar +4 more sources
A student selected component (SSC) in applied forensic medicine and pathology: 'the language of trauma' [PDF]
Summary Forensic medicine and forensic pathology are rarely taught at undergraduate level in medical schools in the UK. Student Selected Components (SSCs) offer a means by which subjects that are ‘beyond the core’ can be explored, and this article ...
Richard M. Jones
openalex +2 more sources
Background: The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) into various fields has ushered in a new era of multidisciplinary progress. Defined as the ability of a system to interpret external data, learn from it, and adapt to specific tasks, AI is ...
Alin-Ionut Piraianu+7 more
doaj +2 more sources
The Rise of Forensic Pathology in Human Medicine [PDF]
The rise of forensic pathology in human medicine has greatly contributed to the administration of justice, public safety and security, and medical knowledge. However, the evolution of human forensic pathology has been challenging. Veterinary forensic pathologists can learn from some of the lessons that have informed the growth and development of human
Michael S. Pollanen
openalex +3 more sources
Introduction: Expert opinions presented in legal proceedings should be scientifically accountable, which is known as evidence-based practice (EBP).
Putri Dianita Ika Meilia+6 more
openalex +2 more sources
A bibliometric analysis on traumatic brain injury in forensic medicine of a half-century (1972–2021)
Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is among the most common injuries in forensic medicine, the identification of which is of particular importance in forensic practice.
Yufang Wang+9 more
doaj +2 more sources