Use of Molecular Genetic Methods to Reduce the Risk of Incorrect Identification of Fish Strains in Brazilian Aquaculture [PDF]
Frontiers in Genetics, 2021The identification of fish species using traditional methods is generally based only on morphological characteristics and these methods are currently under review.
Luana Maria Deoclécio da Silva+5 more
doaj +2 more sources
Revealing the Satellite DNA History in Psalidodon and Astyanax Characid Fish by Comparative Satellitomics [PDF]
Frontiers in Genetics, 2022Eukaryotic genomes are usually enriched in repetitive DNA sequences, which can be classified as dispersed or tandemly repeated elements. Satellite DNAs are noncoding monomeric sequences organized in a head-to-tail fashion that are generally located on ...
Caio Augusto Gomes Goes+8 more
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Homeology of sex chromosomes in Amazonian Harttia armored catfishes supports the X-fission hypothesis for the X1X2Y sex chromosome system origin [PDF]
Scientific Reports, 2023The Neotropical monophyletic catfish genus Harttia represents an excellent model to study karyotype and sex chromosome evolution in teleosts. Its species split into three phylogenetic clades distributed along the Brazilian territory and they differ ...
Francisco de Menezes Cavalcante Sassi+9 more
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Turnover of multiple sex chromosomes in Harttia catfish (Siluriformes, Loricariidae): a glimpse from whole chromosome painting [PDF]
Frontiers in Genetics, 2023The remarkable fish biodiversity encompasses also great sex chromosome variability. Harttia catfish belong to Neotropical models for karyotype and sex chromosome research.
Francisco de Menezes Cavalcante Sassi+8 more
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Considerações sobre amostragem de peixes marinhos (I) [PDF]
Boletim do Instituto Oceanográfico, 1960A fishery research programme requires an accurate picture of the length distribution of the fish caught and landed. Each boat is considered a sampling unit. It is therefore necessary to know how to draw a sample from the fish landed in such a way as to give an accurate assessment of the length distribution of the boat's landing.
H. Nomura
openalex +9 more sources
A composição química dos peixes, em particular a fração lipidica, está intimamente relacionada com o habitat e o tipo de alimentação dos mesmos. Esta difere dos outros óleos e gorduras, que ocorrem naturalmente, por conter grandes quantidades de ácidos ...
Alex Augusto Gonçalves+1 more
doaj +3 more sources
Distribution modeling of Psellogrammus kennedyi (Eigenmann, 1903) and new records in the Lower Paranapanema River, Brazil [PDF]
Check List, 2021Understanding the potential distribution of non-native species can be an important tool in preventing biological invasions. We recorded for the first time Psellogrammus kennedyi, a small non-native characiform, in the Lower Paranapanema River, Brazil ...
Lucas Ribeiro Jarduli+5 more
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Diversity of Monogenoidea parasitizing scombrid fishes from Rio de Janeiro coast, Brazil [PDF]
Check List, 2015Eleven known species of Monogenoidea were found parasitizing six different species of scombrid fishes collected from Rio de Janeiro coast, Southwestern Atlantic Ocean: Capsala biparasitica, Capsala katsuwoni, Capsala notosinense, Nasicola brasiliensis ...
Marcia Justo, Anna Kohn
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Anthropogenic actions have affected marine species for a long time, through overexploitation of natural stocks and habitat degradation, influencing the life strategies of several taxa, especially rays and sharks, which have suffered significant ...
Vanessa P. Cruz+8 more
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