Results 1 to 10 of about 145,796 (353)

A Rare Variation in the Origin and Course of the Artery of Penis [PDF]

open access: yesCase Reports in Vascular Medicine, 2014
Vascular variations of the penis are very rare. Awareness of its variations is of utmost importance to the urologists and radiologist dealing with the reconstruction or transplants of penis, erectile dysfunctions, and priapism.
Satheesha B. Nayak   +5 more
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Dorsal Phalloplasty to Preserve Penis Length after Penile Prosthesis Implantation [PDF]

open access: yesSultan Qaboos University Medical Journal, 2017
Objectives: Following penile prosthesis implantation (PPI), patients may complain of a decrease in visible penis length. A dorsal phalloplasty defines the penopubic junction by tacking pubic skin to the pubis, revealing the base of the penis.
Osama Shaeer   +2 more
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Anatomy of the Male Reproductive System of Sugar Gliders (Petaurus breviceps) [PDF]

open access: yesAnimals
The present study provides a detailed macroscopic examination (with some microscopic insights) of the genital apparatus of seven adult and intact male sugar gliders, as well as one castrated individual.
María del Mar Yllera   +2 more
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Carcinoma of the Penis [PDF]

open access: yesCA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, 1976
Most premalignant penile lesions should be completely locally excised. Giant condyloma frequently cannot be distinguished from fungating carcinoma and usually requires limited penectomy. Cancers other than epidermoid carcinomas are very rare and, except for basal cell carcinoma, have a generally poor prognosis.
Lester Persky, Jean deKernion
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The sensitivity difference between the glans penis and penile shaft in primary premature ejaculation

open access: yesAsian Journal of Andrology, 2023
The penis is a vital organ of perception that transmits perceived signals to ejaculation-related centers. The penis consists of the glans penis and penile shaft, which differ considerably in both histology and innervation.
Lei Zheng   +7 more
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Gambaran Histologi dan Histomorfometri Penis Kuda Gayo [PDF]

open access: yes, 2021
Penis kuda adalah alat kopulasi utama pada kuda. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran histologi danhistomorfometri penis pada kuda gayo. Sampel penelitian menggunakan penis dari 3 ekor kuda gayo jantan berumur 5-10 tahun yang dipotong di ...
Akmal, Muslim   +3 more
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Paraffinoma of the penis [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal of Emergency Medicine, 2010
A 38-year-old man, originally from Moldavia, presented at our Emergency Department with edema of the penis, para-phimosis with necrosis of the phimotic ring, glandular ulcer and multinodular hard semimoble penile masses associated with multiple sites of penile and glandular injection (Figs. 1 and ​and2).2).
S.C.M. Picozzi, L.F. Carmignani
openaire   +3 more sources

Histopathological Spectrum of Male Genital System Tumours in a Tertiary Care Hospital Faridkot, Punjab [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2021
Introduction: The male genital system consists of the prostate, seminal vesicle, testes, epididymis, vas deferens, bulbourethral gland, ejaculatory duct, penis and scrotum. Male genital cancers are histologically diverse.
Aradhana Singh Hada   +3 more
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Rekonstruksi Penis pada Entrapped Penis setelah Perbaikan Hipospadia: Laporan Dua Kasus

open access: yesJBN (Jurnal Bedah Nasional), 2020
Latar belakang: Entrapped penis adalah bentuk concealed penis yang didapat, disebabkan oleh jaringan sikatrik tebal yang terdapat pada penis. Jaringan sikatrik tersebut dapat disebabkan oleh sirkumsisi, operasi hipospadia atau trauma.
Gede Wirya Diptanala Putra Duarsa   +3 more
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Analysis of related factors between the occurrence of secondary epidermoid cyst of penis and circumcision

open access: yesScientific Reports, 2022
Secondary epidermoid cyst of the penis is a very rare epidermoid cyst that occurs in the penis. The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between the occurrence of secondary epidermoid cyst of penis and circumcision-related factors ...
JiangFan Yu, Rui Tang, Ke Ding
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