Results 1 to 10 of about 256,133 (360)

Supernumerary teeth in the premaxillary region: its effects on the eruption and occlusion of the permanent incisors [PDF]

open access: diamondAustralasian Orthodontic Journal, 1990
The presence of supernumerary teeth in the premaxillary region may cause a variety of pathological effects. This study was carried out to determine the various aspects of supernumerary teeth in the premaxillary region, particularly the effects of the ...
Nik-Hussein Nik Noriah
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Induction of Maturogenesis by Partial Pulpotomy: 1 Year Follow-Up [PDF]

open access: yesCase Reports in Dentistry, 2013
In cariously exposed immature permanent teeth, the treatment choice is controversial in pediatric dentistry. Radical root canal treatment usually appears to be the solution for these teeth.
A. Bacaksiz, A. Alaçam
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A 14-Year Follow-Up Study of Sequelae in Primary Teeth and Permanent Successors After Dental Trauma [PDF]

open access: yesPesquisa Brasileira em Odontopediatria e Clínica Integrada, 2023
Objective: To evaluate the presence of sequelae in primary teeth and their permanent successors, as well as associations between TDI and the presence of sequelae in both teeth. Material and Methods: In this 14-year retrospective study, 2.290 records were
Mariana Pires da Costa   +9 more
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A scanning electron microscopic study of the patterns of external root resorption under different conditions [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Applied Oral Science, 2009
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to examine if there are qualitative differences in the appearance of external root resorption patterns of primary teeth undergoing physiologic resorption and permanent teeth undergoing pathological root resorption in ...
Ravindran Sreeja   +4 more
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Trauma to the permanent teeth

open access: yesAustralasian Orthodontic Journal, 1985
Trauma involves approximately 12% of endodontic problems, and the upper central incisor is the most common tooth involved. Great care must be taken in trying to ascertain the extent of the injury, the vitality of the pulp, the colour of the tooth and the
Feiglin Barry
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open access: yesJournal of IMAB, 2019
Laser Doppler Flowmetry (LDF) is a modern, non-invasive method used for examination of blood perfusion and microcirculation in dental pulp and gingiva, especially after trauma. Purpose: The objective of this study is to determine in vivo the mean values
Radka Cholakova
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The Permanent Maxillary and Mandibular Premolar Teeth [PDF]

open access: yes, 2018
The permanent premolar teeth are placed between the anterior teeth and molars. Eight premolars are found in the permanent dentition, four per arch and two in each quadrant.
Isil Cekic Nagas   +2 more
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Congenital oligodontia of the deciduous teeth and anodontia of the permanent teeth in a cat [PDF]

open access: hybridJournal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, 2009
This report describes a rare case of congenital oligodontia of the deciduous teeth and anodontia of the permanent teeth in a cat. According to cat's veterinarian, the patient had only two deciduous upper canines and no permanent teeth had ever erupted.
A. L. S. Vieira   +3 more
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Effect of Age on Mechanical Properties of Human Tooth Enamel

open access: yesFrontiers in Materials, 2022
Dental health is closely related with people’s quality of life. Teeth are subject to different problems and risks over time. Therefore, studying the influence of age on mechanical properties of tooth enamel is of considerable importance.
Xia Jing   +6 more
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Symptoms of the Eruption of Permanent Teeth

open access: yesInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
This prospective study examined a population of 520 urban and rural children aged 5 to 9 years. Every 2–4 weeks, the clinical symptoms accompanying primary tooth replacement such as a cough, a runny nose, pain, and body temperature were assessed in each child’s medical records.
Łucja Sobkowska   +5 more
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