Results 1 to 10 of about 1,127,907 (161)

Meta-Systemic Model of Transformation: A General Complexity-Based Approach in Political Science and International Relations [PDF]

open access: diamondPolish Political Science Yearbook, 2023
System-based research remains an important yet usually outdated and internally contradictory approach in political science and international relations. Based on concepts borrowed from physiology, cybernetics, and general system theory, the system-based ...
Piotr Baranowski
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An Analysis on the Factors Affecting the Satisfaction Degree of the System of the Ideological and Political Curriculum in General Education in Chinese Junior Colleges of Science and Technology [PDF]

open access: diamondMATEC Web of Conferences, 2018
This paper first briefly analyzes the status of the system of the ideological and political curriculum (SIPC) in Chinese junior colleges of science and technology, then analyzes the factors affecting the satisfaction degree of SIPC in general education ...
Li Jing   +3 more
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Automatically detecting scientific political science texts from a large general document index [PDF]

open access: green
This technical report outlines the filtering approach applied to the collection of the Bielefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE) data to extract articles from the political science domain. We combined hard and soft filters to address entries with different available metadata, e.g. title, abstract or keywords.
Н. В. Смирнова
openalex   +3 more sources

Perplexed Particularity in the Clutches of Arrogant Generality?: Political Science as Science of Generality and Political Scientist as Expert for Generality

open access: yesAnali Hrvatskog Politološkog Društva, 2008
How is one to conduct adequate political-science investigation, presentation and evaluation of the history and present situation of political science in Croatia? The text focuses on a thorough inquiry into the subject of the science of politics – what is
Dragutin Lalović
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Social roles and status of political science as general college education

open access: hybrid21st centry Political Science Review, 2011
Jae Woo Hong, Sungdai Cho, Soon Cheol An
openalex   +3 more sources

Representation of patriotic themes by parliamentary parties of Russia (based on the materials of official websites) [PDF]

open access: yesДискурс Пи, 2023
The article scrutinizes the content materials with a patriotic focus posted on the official websites of parliamentary parties of the Russian Federation. The objective of the work is to verify their discursive activity in shaping and promoting a patriotic
Bakhlova, O.V., Bakhlov, I.V.
doaj   +1 more source

China drive toward Africa between arguments of neo-colonialism and mutual-beneficial relationship: Egypt as a case study [PDF]

open access: yesReview of Economics and Political Science, 2022
Purpose – The main purpose of the paper is to examine the truth behind allegations of neo-colonialism performed by China toward Africa, which was raised due to the growing relationship between China and Africa that enhanced the debate between supporters ...
Alyaa Wagdy el-Shafei, Mohamed Metawe
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Modern concepts of security and their significance for the theory of state and law [PDF]

open access: yesPrzegląd Europejski, 2021
Security is an interdisciplinary scientific category with deep potential for study by philosophers, political scientists, and other representatives of the social sciences.
Denis V. Iroshnikov
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Psychosocial Determinants of COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and the Mediating Role of Various Attitudes towards Science

open access: yesVaccines, 2023
This study examined the way attitudes towards science in the U.S. mediate the relationship between COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy and psychosocial predictors, such as political ideology, religiosity, reactance proneness, dogmatism, perceived communal ...
Jonathan Morgan   +2 more
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