Results 1 to 10 of about 371,943 (360)

Recent advances in the prehistoric archaeology of formosa. [PDF]

open access: greenProceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 1966
The importance of Formosa (Taiwan) as a first steppingstone for the movement of peoples and cultures from mainland Asia into the Pacific islands has long been recognized. The past 70 years have witnessed considerable high-quality study of both the island'
K. Chang, M. Stuiver
semanticscholar   +6 more sources

FAIR data for prehistoric mining archaeology [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal on Digital Libraries, 2020
AbstractThis paper presents an approach how to create FAIR data for prehistoric mining archaeology, based on the CIDOC CRM ontology and semantic web standards. The interdisciplinary Research Centre HiMAT (History of mining activities in the Tyrol and adjacent areas, University of Innsbruck) investigates mining history from prehistoric to modern times ...
G. Hiebel   +4 more
semanticscholar   +3 more sources

Community structure of copper supply networks in the prehistoric Balkans: An independent evaluation of the archaeological record from the 7th to the 4th millennium BC [PDF]

open access: bronzeJournal of Complex Networks 2017, 2017
Complex networks analyses of many physical, biological and social phenomena show remarkable structural regularities, yet, their application in studying human past interaction remains underdeveloped. Here, we present an innovative method for identifying community structures in the archaeological record that allow for independent evaluation of the copper
Miljana Radivojević, Jelena Grujić
arxiv   +3 more sources

The First University Positions in Prehistoric Archaeology in New Zealand and Australia

open access: yesBulletin of the History of Archaeology, 2019
University Departments employing prehistoric archaeologists have a long history in the United States and the United Kingdom, going back to the end of the nineteenth century and the beginning of the twentieth.
Harry Allen
doaj   +2 more sources

Recent Developments and Debates in Korean Prehistoric Archaeology [PDF]

open access: yes, 2015
The aim of this article is to examine the developments and debates that have taken place in Korean prehistoric archaeology since the 1990s. in order to do this, this article first examines the trends and developments of archaeological research by period,
Seungoak Kim
semanticscholar   +3 more sources

The Prehistoric Archaeology of Norfolk Island, Southwest Pacific [PDF]

open access: bronze, 2001
VOLUME ABSTRACT. This Supplement documents the discovery, excavation and analysis of material of the Polynesian occupation of Norfolk Island about 600 years ago.
Atholl Anderson, P. White
semanticscholar   +2 more sources

The Historical Development of Italian Prehistoric Archaeology: A Brief Outline

open access: gold, 2010
Twenty-five years ago Marcel Desittere, a Belgian prehistorian who works and lives in northern Italy, published the first important monograph about the origins of Italian prehistoric archaeology (Desittere 1985).
Allesandro Guidi
semanticscholar   +3 more sources

Archaeology of Prehistoric Native America: An Encyclopedia [PDF]

open access: bronzeAmerican Anthropologist, 2000
Archaeology of Prehistoric Native America: An Encyclopedia. Guy Gibbon. ed. New York: Garland Publishing, Inc., 1998.941pp.
George M. Crothers
openalex   +3 more sources


open access: yesBerkala Arkeologi, 1986
The northern part of North Australia is not far from Java and Timor. There are great numbers of influences in the North Western part of Australia from Indonesian region.
Harry Allen
doaj   +3 more sources

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