Results 1 to 10 of about 159,068 (318)
Sentence Punctuation for Collaborative Commentary Generation in Esports Live-Streaming [PDF]
To solve the existing sentence punctuation problem for collaborative commentary generation in Esports live-streaming, this paper presents two strategies for sentence punctuation for text sequences of game commentary, that is, punctuating sentences by two or three text sequence(s) originally punctuated by Youtube to obtain a complete sentence of ...
Punctuation strongly contributes to the cohesion of the text. Despite this relevant role in written activity, this linguistic paradigm is too rarely observed.
Audrey Mazur, Matthieu Quignard
doaj +1 more source
Joint prediction of truecasing and punctuation for conversational speech in low-resource scenarios [PDF]
Capitalization and punctuation are important cues for comprehending written texts and conversational transcripts. Yet, many ASR systems do not produce punctuated and case-formatted speech transcripts. We propose to use a multi-task system that can exploit the relations between casing and punctuation to improve their prediction performance. Whereas text
Thematic Knight\u27s Tour Quotes [PDF]
Knight\u27s Tour Quotes (KTQs), also called Knight\u27s Tour Crypts, are a word puzzle enjoying a new vogue in the National Puzzlers\u27 League since David Silverman reintroduced them in 1973.
Cohen, Philip M.
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Punctuation Prediction for Polish Texts using Transformers [PDF]
Speech recognition systems typically output text lacking punctuation. However, punctuation is crucial for written text comprehension. To tackle this problem, Punctuation Prediction models are developed. This paper describes a solution for Poleval 2022 Task 1: Punctuation Prediction for Polish Texts, which scores 71.44 Weighted F1. The method utilizes a
arxiv +1 more source
FullStop:Punctuation and Segmentation Prediction for Dutch with Transformers [PDF]
When applying automated speech recognition (ASR) for Belgian Dutch (Van Dyck et al. 2021), the output consists of an unsegmented stream of words, without any punctuation. A next step is to perform segmentation and insert punctuation, making the ASR output more readable and easy to manually correct.
This study aims to he students’ errors in using punctuation marks in writing essay. This study conducted in the third semester students at IAIN Tulungagung academic year 2013/2014.
Wati, Meta Kartika
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Exploring the role of Punctuation in Parsing Natural Text [PDF]
Few, if any, current NLP systems make any significant use of punctuation. Intuitively, a treatment of punctuation seems necessary to the analysis and production of text. Whilst this has been suggested in the fields of discourse structure, it is still unclear whether punctuation can help in the syntactic field. This investigation attempts to answer this
Boosting Punctuation Restoration with Data Generation and Reinforcement Learning [PDF]
Punctuation restoration is an important task in automatic speech recognition (ASR) which aim to restore the syntactic structure of generated ASR texts to improve readability. While punctuated texts are abundant from written documents, the discrepancy between written punctuated texts and ASR texts limits the usability of written texts in training ...
A Small and Fast BERT for Chinese Medical Punctuation Restoration [PDF]
In clinical dictation, utterances after automatic speech recognition (ASR) without explicit punctuation marks may lead to the misunderstanding of dictated reports. To give a precise and understandable clinical report with ASR, automatic punctuation restoration is required.