Results 1 to 10 of about 543,880 (340)

The temporal query language TQuel [PDF]

open access: bronzeProceedings of the 3rd ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD symposium on Principles of database systems - PODS '84, 1984
Recently, attention has been focused on temporal databases , representing an enterprise over time. We have developed a new language, Tquel , to query a temporal database. TQuel was designed to be a minimal extension, both syntactically and semantically, of Quel, the query language in the ...
Richard T. Snodgrass
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Information retrieval and the query language [PDF]

open access: bronzeACM SIGPLAN Notices, 1973
This paper addresses itself to the information retrieval problem of a manager within an organization. We feel that the approach taken in specifying such a system is sufficiently general to be suitable for application to other system specifications. It is assumed that the manager wishes to interrogate a system containing a data base that relates to his ...
Abraham Waksman
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Natural Language to SQL: Automated Query Formation Using NLP Techniques [PDF]

open access: yesE3S Web of Conferences, 2023
In this era of information world, given any topic, we are able to get relevant data or documents at a mouse click. The flexibility that internet provides is the user friendly language or Natural Language to search for required topic.
Y. Sri Lalitha   +5 more
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Hindi Language Interface to Database [PDF]

open access: yesITM Web of Conferences, 2020
In our everyday lives we require information to accomplish daily tasks. Database is one of the most important sources of information. Database systems have been widely used in data storage and retrieval. However, to extract information from databases, we
Dubey Rachana   +3 more
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An Accurate Matching Query Method of Natural Language Knowledge Graph Based on Hierarchical Graph Topological Sequence

open access: yesIEEE Access, 2022
In recent years, although the application of knowledge graph in natural language processing has made some progress, there are still some key problems to be solved, especially the matching query problem in natural language knowledge graph. Since the basic
Qifeng Zou, Chaoze Lu
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Object Models as Microservices: a Query Language

open access: yesИзвестия Иркутского государственного университета: Серия "Математика", 2022
We are designing an application development technology based on an extended object-oriented approach, in which object models are enriched to the functionality of microservices. This variation is called microservice object-oriented programming.
D. N. Gavrilin   +2 more
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The history and recent advances of Natural Language Interfaces for Databases Querying [PDF]

open access: yesE3S Web of Conferences, 2021
Databases have been always the most important topic in the study of information systems, and an indispensable tool in all information management systems.
Majhadi Khadija, Machkour Mustapha
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Ethereum query language [PDF]

open access: yesProceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Emerging Trends in Software Engineering for Blockchain, 2018
Blockchains store a massive amount of heterogeneous data which will only grow in time. When searching for data on the Ethereum platform, one is required to either access the records (blocks) directly by using a unique identifier, or sequentially search several records to find the desired information.
Bragagnolo, Santiago   +3 more
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SpeakQL Natural Language to SQL [PDF]

open access: yesITM Web of Conferences, 2021
Incorporating SQL questions from normal language is a long-standing open issue and has been drawing in extensive intrigue as of late. Natural Language Interface (NLI) is the confluence of Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Human-Computer Interaction ...
Shah Dhairya   +4 more
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Design principles of the Metadata Querying Language (MQL) implemented in the ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI) ecosystem [PDF]

open access: yesEPJ Web of Conferences, 2020
This document describes the design principles of the Metadata Querying Language (MQL) implemented in ATLAS Metadata Interface (AMI), a metadata-oriented domain-specific language allowing to query databases without knowing the relation between tables ...
Fulachier Jérôme   +2 more
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