Results 1 to 10 of about 496,485 (219)
Wet and dry extremes reduce arthropod biomass independently of leaf phenology in the wet tropics
Global Change Biology, Volume 29, Issue 2, Page 308-323, January 2023., 2023Although two‐thirds of terrestrial vertebrates consume insects and spiders, how changing rainfall regimes will affect arthropods remains poorly understood. Using spatiotemporal variation in tropical montane climate as a natural experiment, we show arthropod biomass maxima at intermediate rainfall as 3 months of both wet and dry extremes reduced ...
Felicity L. Newell+2 more
wiley +1 more source
Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, Volume 43, Issue 1, Page 83-92, January 2023., 2023
Abstract Purpose An annular dark shadow (ADS) reflex has been observed while performing direct ophthalmoscopy on subjects with keratoconus. This study describes a method that may serve as a diagnostic technique for early keratoconus and may be used as a quantitative measure of severity.
Arige Gideon Abou Said+2 more
wiley +1 more source
Abstract Purpose An annular dark shadow (ADS) reflex has been observed while performing direct ophthalmoscopy on subjects with keratoconus. This study describes a method that may serve as a diagnostic technique for early keratoconus and may be used as a quantitative measure of severity.
Arige Gideon Abou Said+2 more
wiley +1 more source
Once bitten, twice shy: The overgeneralization trap and epistemic learning after policy failure
Politics &Policy, Volume 50, Issue 6, Page 1177-1202, December 2022., 2022Abstract Why do smart policy makers who try to learn from policy failure end up overgeneralizing these lessons when facing new crises? This article focuses on the policy learning that can come in the wake of perceived policy failure, and the consequences that lesson learning has for diagnosing and tackling subsequent crises.
Derek Beach, Sandrino Smeets
wiley +1 more source
Anuario ThinkEPI, 2021
Se describe la relación entre el campo de los estudios literarios basados en datos de la corriente distant reading y las humanidades digitales, y la actividad de las bibliotecas y otras entidades del sector del libro en el ecosistema de la recomendación y el descubrimiento de lecturas.
openaire +3 more sources
Se describe la relación entre el campo de los estudios literarios basados en datos de la corriente distant reading y las humanidades digitales, y la actividad de las bibliotecas y otras entidades del sector del libro en el ecosistema de la recomendación y el descubrimiento de lecturas.
openaire +3 more sources
Test de independencia : Basado en análisis de recurrencia [PDF]
, 2021Dada una muestra (X1, Y1), (X2, Y2),…,(Xn, Yn) i.i.d. de (X, Y ), cuando tenemos un test de hipótesis de la forma: H0 : X e Y son independientes estamos ante los llamados test de independencia.
Fernández Raíz, Diego Gabriel
, 2012
This poem demonstrates the importance of the Latino/Latina vote in this election year. The reader will be able to find that the Latino experience described in the poem resonates with many other Latino/Latina experiences within our families, communities ...
Sandoval, Christian M.
core +1 more source
This poem demonstrates the importance of the Latino/Latina vote in this election year. The reader will be able to find that the Latino experience described in the poem resonates with many other Latino/Latina experiences within our families, communities ...
Sandoval, Christian M.
core +1 more source
Agroindustrial Science, 2017
Se realizó la caracterización de la raíz de Salvia trifilis Epling y extracción de su aceite esencial. Este arbusto pertenece al Género Lamiaceae. Las raíces se recolectaron a una altura de 2000 m.s.n.m en Chilcapuquio, distrito de Santo Tomás, provincia
Milagritos Díaz
doaj +1 more source
Se realizó la caracterización de la raíz de Salvia trifilis Epling y extracción de su aceite esencial. Este arbusto pertenece al Género Lamiaceae. Las raíces se recolectaron a una altura de 2000 m.s.n.m en Chilcapuquio, distrito de Santo Tomás, provincia
Milagritos Díaz
doaj +1 more source
Calidad de planta de Quercus rugosa Née en vivero
Revista Mexicana de Ciencias Forestales, 2021México reúne más especies de Quercus que cualquier otro país en el mundo; sin embargo, casi no hay investigaciones sobre su producción de planta en vivero, ni de indicadores de calidad.
Francisca De Jesús Albino+3 more
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Identificación de fitonematodos Meloidogyne sp. en cafetos de la finca “La mata” en Coatepec, Ver.
Revista Biológico Agropecuaria Tuxpan, 2014Los nematodos fitoparásitos constituyen un factor limitante para la producción de café en muchas zonas del mundo. Veracruz es la segunda entidad productora de café aportando el 25 % del volumen nacional.
Yusef Elip Chamlaty Fayad +3 more
doaj +1 more source
Anclaje árbol-raíz: Estabilidad de árboles basado en la arquitectura real del sistema árbol-raíz. [PDF]
, 2019Climate change impact on tree stability is often associated with higher risk of wind-throw due to higher frequency and magnitudes of the extremes of climate.
Ramos Rivera, Johnatan
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