Results 1 to 10 of about 106,919 (344)
Laser ablation production of Ba, Ca, Dy, Er, La, Lu, and Yb ions [PDF]
We use a pulsed nitrogen laser to produce atomic ions by laser ablation, measuring the relative ion yield for several elements, including some that have only recently been proposed for use in cold trapped ion experiments. For barium, we monitor the ion yield as a function of the number of applied ablation pulses for different substrates.
arxiv +1 more source
Background Cardiac radiofrequency ablation is a popular treatment for arrhythmias. However, it does have some complications, some of which are severe, even fatally.
Tingting Tao+3 more
doaj +1 more source
BackgroundCompared with conventional medicines, angiotensin receptor-neprilysin inhibitor (ARNI) could further improve the prognosis for multiple cardiovascular diseases, such as heart failure, hypertension, and myocardial infarction.
Youzheng Dong+8 more
doaj +1 more source
Effect of energy dissipation on radiofrequency ablation model in cardiac tissue: modelling, analysis and numerical simulation [PDF]
This paper deals with the mathematical analysis and numerical simulation of a new nonlinear ablation system modeling radiofrequency ablation phenomena in cardiac tissue, {which incorporates the effects of blood flow on the heat generated when ablation by radiofrequency. The model also considers the effects of viscous energy dissipation.
Background—Catheter radiofrequency ablation of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) arising from the left ventricle’s papillary muscles has been associated with inconsistent results. The use of cryoenergy versus radiofrequency has not been compared yet.
S. Rivera+13 more
semanticscholar +1 more source
Objective The present study aimed to investigate the effect of functional mitral regurgitation (FMR) on recurrence of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (PAF) in patients undergoing radiofrequency catheter ablation.
Fusheng Ke+7 more
doaj +1 more source
Background Safe and successful radiofrequency catheter ablation depends on creation of transmural lesions without collateral injury to contiguous structures.
D. Haines+13 more
semanticscholar +1 more source
Background Massive hemoptysis is a life-threatening condition. Massive hemoptysis caused by pulmonary vein stenosis (PVS) after radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation (AF) is rare.
Dong Yu+3 more
doaj +1 more source
Radiofrequency catheter ablation in infants and children
Background: Diagnosis and treatment of paediatric arrhythmias remain challenging. Antiarrhythmic - drugs beta-blockers, class Ic and class III drugs, were the only treatment available for many years. Radiofrequency catheter ablation (RFCA) was introduced for adult patients in 1981 and has been used for children since 1989.
Joris Ector+2 more
openaire +4 more sources
We describe a patient with nonischemic cardiomyopathy who underwent radiofrequency (RF) catheter ablation for a drug-refractory ventricular tachycardia (VT). RF ablation from a left ventricular (LV) endocardial site failed to eliminate the VT.
Takanori Arimoto, MD+9 more
doaj +1 more source