Results 1 to 10 of about 320,795 (388)
The Impact of Host-galaxy Properties on Supernova Classification with Hierarchical Labels
With the advent of the Vera C. Rubin Observatory, the discovery rate of supernovae (SNe) will surpass the rate of SNe with real time spectroscopic follow-up by 3 orders of magnitude.
V. Ashley Villar+3 more
doaj +1 more source
The Redshift of the Quasi-Stellar Radio Source MSH 14-121.
E. M. Burbidge
openalex +1 more source
A central gravitational redshift model for the absorption redshift systems in quasi-stellar objects [PDF]
Pradip Das
openalex +1 more source
Doppler redshifts in oblique approach of source and observer [PDF]
John J. Dykla
openalex +1 more source
Redshift controversy in the Virgo cluster - a suggestion from Centaurus [PDF]
A. P. Fairall
openalex +1 more source
QSO redshifts and the steady state cosmology [PDF]
J. V. Narlikar, P. A. DAS
openalex +1 more source
Cosmology with photometric redshift
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.
openaire +2 more sources
The Redshift-Magnitude Relation for Quasi-Stellar Objects
G. R. Burbidge, Stephen L. O’Dell
openalex +1 more source