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First Report of Seropositivity to Trypanosoma cruzi in Mexican Afro-Descendants from Guerrero and Oaxaca States. [PDF]

open access: yesJ Parasitol Res
Mexican Afro‐descendant is a population poorly studied in many aspects, between them the infectious diseases that they suffer. This population is mainly found in the country’s Pacific (Oaxaca and Guerrero states) and Atlantic (Veracruz) coast. In these regions, a diversity of triatomine vectors of the Chagas disease is found. Also, all the genotypes of
Espinoza B   +8 more
europepmc   +2 more sources

Moderate hypofractionation in prostate cancer: experience from Regional Hospital ISSSTE, Morelos

open access: yesRevista Médica del Hospital General de México, 2023
Purpose: To describe the institutional experience of treatment with volumetric modulated arc therapy (VMAT) in prostate cancer in the Mexican population of the Regional Hospital “Centenario de la Revolución Mexicana”, ISSSTE, Morelos.
Felipe de J. Tallabs-Villafaña   +4 more
doaj   +1 more source

The Commission Knocked Out Cold: Laura Serrano and the End of the Mexico City Prohibition of Women's Boxing in the 1990s

open access: yesGender &History, Volume 35, Issue 3, Page 1135-1152, October 2023., 2023
Abstract This article examines the conflict over the legalisation of women's boxing in Mexico City in the 1990s. In 1995, Laura Serrano's Women's International Boxing Federation world boxing title put pressure on the legal system that had banned women from professional boxing in the Mexican capital since 1946.
Marjolein Van Bavel
wiley   +1 more source

Defensa comunitaria y culturas del terror: Crimen organizado y violencia de Estado en comunidades originarias de Guerrero, México

open access: yesThe Journal of Latin American and Caribbean Anthropology, Volume 27, Issue 4, Page 564-574, December 2022., 2022
Abstract Rich in raw materials, the state of Guerrero, Mexico, is one of the main enclaves of opium production, mineral extraction, and a focus for the multiplication of armed actors in Latin America, which, together with the overlapping of counterinsurgent violence in the past, post‐colonial violence and the militarization of the policies of the so ...
Inés Giménez Delgado
wiley   +1 more source


open access: yesGerman Life and Letters, Volume 74, Issue 3, Page 339-370, July 2021., 2021
ABSTRACT Alexander von Humboldt was regarded as an anti‐fascist symbol among German‐speaking exiles who, fleeing persecution from the Nazi regime, found refuge in Mexico. Humboldt's legacy was read as being an endorsement of the country's struggle for political and cultural emancipation, while his famously anti‐racist stance proved helpful in framing ...
Andrea Acle‐Kreysing
wiley   +1 more source

De la “revolucioncita” al centenario de la constitución (1917-2017): “business as usual” en la obra de Rius [PDF]

open access: yesiMex. México Interdisciplinario/Interdisciplinary Mexico, 2017
En el centenario de la constitución mexicana, el legado clave de la revolución, este estudio analiza la crítica del famoso caricaturista e historietista Rius a las continuidades estructurales que siguen teniendo una fuerte influencia en los negocios ...
Guido Rings
doaj   +1 more source

¿Podemos reparar nuestra orfandad genérica?

open access: yesMitologías Hoy, 2022
Este artículo parte del concepto de "orfandad genérica" para poner en cuestión los orígenes y los límites del canon de la novela de la Revolución Mexicana.
Sofía Mateos Gómez
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Leopoldo Zea y su discurso filosófico contra la marginalidad (1948-1953)

open access: yesFiguras Revista Académica de Investigación, 2020
Entre 1949 y 1953 Leopoldo Zea publica cuatro escritos donde explica cómo la Revolución mexicana significó la posibilidad para que los mexicanos pudieran salir de las situaciones de marginalidad y servidumbre a que habían sido condenados debido a las ...
Emilio Reyes-Ruiz
doaj   +2 more sources

La Historia Local en América Latina. Tendencias, corrientes y perspectivas en el siglo XX

open access: yesHISTOReLo: Revista de Historia Regional y Local, 2009
El texto ofrece un enfoque general sobre las tendencias historiográficas,  problemas y temas de la historia regional y local en latinoamericana. En particular a partir del impacto de la historiografía europea y norteamericana en el subcontinente.
Pablo Serrano Alvarez
doaj   +1 more source

Memorias en acción. Un niño en la revolución mexicana de Andrés Iduarte Foucher

open access: yesHistoria Mexicana El Colegio de México, 2016
En este ensayo se analiza la narración autobiográfica Un niño en la Revolución Mexicana de Andrés Iduarte Foucher desde una perspectiva pragmática del texto.
Fabio Kolar
doaj   +1 more source

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