Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) is one of the safest standard algorithms, based on public-key, for providing the security in communication and networks.
N. Shylashree+2 more
semanticscholar +4 more sources
A Mathematical Foundation for the Spatial Uncertainty of Critical Points in Probabilistic Scalar Fields [PDF]
11 pages, 8 figures, to appear in an IEEE VGTC sponsored ...
Dominik Vietinghoff+3 more
+6 more sources
A Mathematical Analysis of Casimir Interactions I: The Scalar Field [PDF]
AbstractStarting from the construction of the free quantum scalar field of mass $$m\ge 0$$ m ≥ 0 , we give mathematically precise and rigorous versions of three different approaches to computing the Casimir forces between compact obstacles.
Yan-Long Fang, Alexander Strohmaier
openalex +5 more sources
Mathematical Analysis of Plasmonic Nanoparticles: The Scalar Case [PDF]
ISSN:0003 ...
Habib Ammari+3 more
openalex +11 more sources
Mathematical Modeling of Boson–Fermion Stars in the Generalized Scalar–Tensor Theories of Gravity [PDF]
A model of static boson-fermion star with spherical symmetry based on the scalar-tensor theory of gravity with massive dilaton field is investigated numerically. Since the radius of star is \textit{a priori} an unknown quantity, the corresponding boundary value problem (BVP) is treated as a nonlinear spectral problem with a free internal boundary.
T. L. Boyadjiev+3 more
openalex +5 more sources
Minkowski tensors of anisotropic spatial structure [PDF]
This paper describes the theoretical foundation of and explicit algorithms for a novel approach to morphology and anisotropy analysis of complex spatial structure using tensor-valued Minkowski functionals, the so-called Minkowski tensors .
G E Schröder-Turk+6 more
doaj +6 more sources
Scalar arguments of the mathematical functions defining molecular and turbulent transport of heat and mass in compressible fluids [PDF]
The advection–diffusion equations defining control volume conservation laws in micrometeorological research are analysed to resolve discrepancies in their appropriate scalar variables for heat and mass transport. A scalar variable that is conserved during vertical motions enables the interpretation of turbulent mixing as ‘diffusion’.
Andrew S. Kowalski, Daniel Argüeso
+8 more sources
Cosmological evolution of the degenerated plasma with interparticle scalar interaction. II. Formulation of mathematical model [PDF]
On the basis of the relativistic kinetic theory the relativistic statistical systems with scalar interaction particles are investigated. The self-consistent system of the equations describing self-gravitating plasma with interpartial scalar interaction is formulated, macroscopical laws of preservation are received.
Yu. G. Ignatiev
openalex +5 more sources
Analytic solutions of scalar field cosmology, mathematical structures for early inflation and late time accelerated expansion [PDF]
AbstractWe study the most general cosmological model with real scalar field which is minimally coupled to gravity. Our calculations are based on Friedmann–Lemaitre–Robertson–Walker (FLRW) background metric. Field equations consist of three differential equations. We switch independent variable from time to scale factor by change of variable $${\dot{a}}/
Medine Ildes, Metin Arık
openalex +5 more sources
Stability of the Cosmological System of Degenerated Scalarly Charged Fermions and Higgs Scalar Fields. I. Mathematical Model of Linear Plane Perturbations [PDF]
A mathematical model of the evolution of plane perturbations in the cosmological statistical system of completely degenerated scalar-charged fermions with the Higgs scalar interaction is formulated. A complete closed system of differential equations describing the unperturbed state of a homogeneous and isotropic system and a system of self-consistent ...
Yu. G. Ignat’ev
openalex +5 more sources