Estudio de la Experiencia de Usuario mediante un Sistema de Dashboards de Análisis de Aprendizaje Multimodal [PDF]
In the article, we present a Web-based System called M2LADS, which supports the integration and visualization of multimodal data recorded in user experiences (UX) in a Learning Analytics (LA) system in the form of Web-based Dashboards. Based on the edBB platform, the multimodal data gathered contains biometric and behavioral signals including ...
A [in]Segurança dos Sistemas Governamentais Brasileiros: Um Estudo de Caso em Sistemas Web e Redes Abertas [PDF]
Whereas the world relies on computer systems for providing public services, there is a lack of academic work that systematically assess the security of government systems. To partially fill this gap, we conducted a security evaluation of publicly available systems from public institutions.
Estudio Teórico del espectro de emisión para un sistema microcavidad-punto cuántico en una aproximación de campo medio (Theoretical study of emission spectrum for a quantum dot-microcavity system in a mean field approximation) [PDF]
En este trabajo, se obtiene una expresi\'on num\'erica para calcular el espectro de emisi\'on de un sistema microcavidad-punto cu\'antico usando una teor\'ia de campo medio en el formalismo de la matriz densidad. El sistema modelado es un micropilar semiconductor que contiene un \'unico punto cu\'antico en el interior de la microcavidad, este sistema ...
arxiv +1 more source
Extractive Summarization: Limits, Compression, Generalized Model and Heuristics [PDF]
Due to its promise to alleviate information overload, text summarization has attracted the attention of many researchers. However, it has remained a serious challenge. Here, we first prove empirical limits on the recall (and F1-scores) of extractive summarizers on the DUC datasets under ROUGE evaluation for both the single-document and multi-document ...
arxiv +1 more source
Integração e Entrega Contínua para aplicações móveis desenvolvidas em React Native [PDF]
Continuous integration and continuous delivery are not new for developers who create web applications, however in the development of mobile applications this practice is still not very common mainly because of the challenges during the process of distributing the application.
Transição de fase no sistema de Hénon-Heiles (Phase transition in the Henon-Heiles system) [PDF]
The Henon-Heiles system was originally proposed to describe the dynamical behavior of galaxies, but this system has been widely applied in dynamical systems by exhibit great details in phase space. This work presents the formalism to describe Henon-Heiles system and a qualitative approach of dynamics behavior.
arxiv +1 more source
Propagacion del SARS-COV-2 en Cuba. Una vision cualitativa desde la Teoria de Sistemas Complejos [PDF]
We describe some properties of the evolution of the COVID-19 pandemic that reveal its behavior as a complex system. The propagation mechanism shows a Poincare section with fractal dimension 1
C-orthocenter and C-orthocentric systems in Minkowski planes [PDF]
Usando la noci\'on de C-ortocentro se extienden, a planos de Minkowski en general, nociones de la geometr\'ia cl\'asica relacionadas con un tri\'angulo, como por ejemplo: puntos de Euler, tri\'angulo de Euler, puntos de Poncelet. Se muestran propiedades de estas nociones y sus relaciones con la circunferencia de Feuerbach. Se estudian sistemas C-ortoc\'
Semi-automatic vectorization of linear networks on rasterized cartographic maps [PDF]
A system for semi-automatic vectorization of linear networks (roads, rivers, etc.) on rasterized cartographic maps is presented. In this system, human intervention is limited to a graphic, interactive selection of the color attributes of the information to be obtained. Using this data, the system performs a preliminary extraction of the linear network,
Explorando Sistemas Hamiltonianos II: A Natureza de Pontos de Equilibrio Degenerados [PDF]
Neste segundo artigo sobre sistemas Hamiltonianos, apresentamos o metodo da explosao para a determinacao da natureza de pontos fixos (pontos de equilibrio degenerados. Aplicamos o metodo a dois modelos hamiltonianos com um e dois graus de liberdade, respectivamente.