Results 1 to 10 of about 460 (82)

Desain dan Implementasi Sistem Digital Assistant Berbasis Google Glass pada Rumah Sakit [PDF]

open access: yes, 2016
In order to improve the performance of the hospital, one solution that is needed is a system that can facilitate functional medical staff in the discharge of their duties. This paper discusses the design and implementation of digital assistant system designed for functional medical staff at the hospital.
arxiv   +1 more source

Fast and Accurate Computation Tools for Gravitational Waveforms from Binary Sistems with any Orbital Eccentricity [PDF]

open access: yesMon.Not.Roy.Astron.Soc. 325 (2001) 358, 2000
The relevance of orbital eccentricity in the detection of gravitational radiation from (steady state) binary stars is emphasized. Computationnally effective fast and accurate)tools for constructing gravitational wave templates from binary stars with any orbital eccentricity are introduced, including tight estimation criteria of the pertinent truncation
arxiv   +1 more source

Landau Quantization of Neutral Particles in an External Field [PDF]

open access: yesPhys.Lett. A358 (2006) 336-338, 2005
The quantum dynamics of an induced electric dipole in the presence of a configuration of crossed electric and magnetic fields is analyzed. This field configuration confines the dipole in a plane and produces a coupling similar to the coupling of a charged particle in the presence of external magnetic field.
arxiv   +1 more source

The connection between field-theory and the equations for material sistems [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2007
The existing field theories are based on the properties of closed exterior forms, which correspond to conservation laws for physical fields. In the present paper it is shown that closed exterior forms corresponding to field theories are obtained from the equations modelling conservation (balance) laws for material sistems (material media).

Sistem pendukung keputusan pemberian beasiswa bidik misi [PDF]

open access: yesP. Umami, et al., "Sistem penunjang keputusan pemberian beasiswa bidik misi," in Konferensi Nasional Sistem Informasi (KNSI), STMIK Dipanegara Makassar, Sulawesi Selatan, 2014, 2014
Decision support systems (DSS) have been used in many applications to speed up decision making. This article will discuss the implementation of DSS for decision-making for scholarships "bidik misi". In terms of processing data related to the bidik misi scholarship are accordance with the regulations set by UBD.

Sistem Informasi Eksekutif Berbasis Web pada Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Muhammadiyah Palembang [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2015
Information technology (IT) is able to fulfill one of the main needs of an organization, such as how the executive know and manage the performance of the organization he leads, including the human resources (HR). Faculty of Agriculture, University of Muhammadiyah Palembang (UMP) has had personnel information system which is used to manage HR data both ...

Sistem Informasi Geografis Ruang Terbuka Hijau Kawasan Perkotaan (RTHKP) Palembang [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2015
Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer-based system used to store and manipulate geographic information. In this study, GIS is used to obtain information about "open green space of urban areas" (RTHKP). Office of street lighting and Cemetery Palembang is one agency that regulates the green open spaces but not using media such as websites ...

Causal hierarchy of spacetimes, temporal functions and smoothness of Geroch's splitting. A revision [PDF]

open access: yesMatematica Contemporanea, Vol 29, 127-155 (2005), 2004
After the heroic epoch of Causality Theory, problems concerning the smoothability of time functions and Cauchy hypersurfaces remained as unanswered folk questions. Just recently solved, our aim is to discuss the state of the art on this topic, including self-contained proofs for questions on causally continuous, stably causal and globally hyperbolic ...

Rhythmos, Diathige, Trope [PDF]

open access: yesLlull, boletin de la SEHC. Vol. 23, no. 48 (2000) p. 735-753, 2000
It is argued that properties of Democritus' atoms parallel those of volume forms in differential geometry. This kind of atoms has not "size" of finite magnitude. ----- Se arguye que las propiedades de los atomos de Democrito son paralelas a las de sus formas de volumen en geometria diferencial.

An infinitely differentiable function with compact support: Definition and properties [PDF]

open access: yesRev. Real Acad. Ciencias Madrid, 76 (1982) 21-38, 2017
This is the English translation of my old paper 'Definici\'on y estudio de una funci\'on indefinidamente diferenciable de soporte compacto', Rev. Real Acad. Ciencias 76 (1982) 21-38. In it a function (essentially Fabius function) is defined and given its main properties, including: unicity, interpretation as a probability, partition of unity with its ...

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