Results 1 to 10 of about 417,546 (398)
The UK’s Modern Slavery Legislation: An Early Assessment of Progress [PDF]
In 2015, the Westminster UK government introduced a Modern Slavery Act described by its proponents as ‘world-leading’. This description was challenged at the time both inside and outside the UK.
Gary Craig
exaly +8 more sources
Globalization and Modern Slavery
This article presents a cross-national comparative analysis of the relationship between different dimensions of globalization and modern slavery. It argues that both the economic and political dimensions of globalization are strongly associated with ...
Todd Landman
exaly +4 more sources
Slavery, neo-slavery and business ethics [PDF]
Despite the campaigns of the 19th century, there are currently millions of people that are enslaved across the globe. Some of these slaves are directly engaged in the hospitality sector, in other cases they are indirectly associated with the hospitality ...
Conrad Lashley
doaj +4 more sources
Model fitting in Multiple Systems Analysis for the quantification of Modern Slavery: Classical and Bayesian approaches [PDF]
Multiple systems estimation is a key approach for quantifying hidden populations such as the number of victims of modern slavery. The UK Government published an estimate of 10,000 to 13,000 victims, constructed by the present author, as part of the strategy leading to the Modern Slavery Act 2015.
Bernard Walter Silverman
arxiv +3 more sources
Locations where populations are most reliant on forests and their ecosystem services for subsistence and development are also areas where modern slavery persists.
Bethany Jackson+2 more
exaly +2 more sources
The author offers a history of slavery, particularly with reference to American history.
Doug Dowd
doaj +2 more sources
La ricerca si propone di indagare tra la legislazione di Costantino e la ...
Spina, Alessia
core +5 more sources
Modern slavery in supply chains: a secondary data analysis of detection, remediation and disclosure
The purpose of this study is to examine how organisations report on the detection and remediation of modern slavery in their operations and supply chains and to understand their approaches to disclosing information in response to modern slavery ...
Mark Stevenson, Rosanna Cole
exaly +2 more sources
Under systems of indenture in the Caribbean, Europeans such as Irish, Scots and Portuguese, as well as Asians, primarily Indians, Chinese and Indonesians, were recruited, often under false pretences, and transported to the ‘New World’, where they were ...
Kamala Kempadoo
exaly +3 more sources
Slavery, Education, and Inequality [PDF]
We investigate the impact of slavery on the current performances of the US economy. Over a cross section of counties, we find that the legacy of slavery does not affect current income per capita, but does affect current income inequality. In other words,
Bertocchi, Graziella, Dimico, Arcangelo
core +10 more sources