Results 1 to 10 of about 393,595 (219)

Status of the Standard Model of Particle Phenomenology [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 2003
The standard model is healthy is all respects except for the non-zero neutrino masses which require an extension of the minimal ...
Frampton, Paul H.
arxiv   +2 more sources

Secondary Privatization in Slovenia: Evolution of Ownership Structure and Company Performance Following Mass Privatization [PDF]

open access: green, 2001
This volume contains the output of country research undertaken in Slovenia in 2000-2001 by a team directed by Andreja Bohm and Marko Simoneti under the international comparative project "Secondary Privatization: the Evolution of Ownership Structures of ...
Andreja Bohm   +5 more
core   +3 more sources

Innovation Potential of Social Capital in Tourism during the Pandemic of COVID-19 [PDF]

open access: yesPhainomena, 2021
The article explores the Slovenian perspective on cooperative networking as a potential for the development of Slovenian tourism. In the competitive times, paradoxically, cooperation between actors in any given field is needed, in order to increase the ...
Lea-Marija Colarič-Jakše
doaj   +1 more source

The impact of the centralisation of workplaces and business entities on spatial development [PDF]

open access: yesGeodetski Vestnik, 2021
The paper presents the results of a study to define the current size and location of workplaces and business entities in the area. The research was conducted in three stages.
Samo Drobne   +3 more
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‘You have to run it like a company’: The marketisation of adult learning and education in Germany and Slovenia

open access: yesEuropean Journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults, 2021
This paper identifies some of the key characteristics of the marketisation of adult learning and education (ALE) and analyses the effects in the contexts of Germany (focusing on Bavaria) and Slovenia. ALE policies and institutional practices are analysed
Tadej Košmerl, Borut Mikulec
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Comprehensive low-flow analysis of the Vipava river

open access: yesActa Geographica Slovenica, 2022
The article presents the results of the analysis of low flows at 5 gauging stations on the Vipava River, which has a Dinaric pluvial-nival regime (catchment area of 590 km2).
Mateja Jelovčan, Mojca Šraj
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A systematic review of vitamin D status and dietary intake in various Slovenian populations

open access: yesSlovenian Journal of Public Health, 2022
Vitamin D (VitD) is involved in calcium and phosphate homeostasis, bone health, and normal functioning of the immune system. VitD status is monitored using serum 25-hydroxy-vitamin D (25(OH)D) as a biomarker.
Hribar Maša   +7 more
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A quadratic lower bound for subset sums [PDF]

open access: yes, 2006
Let A be a finite nonempty subset of an additive abelian group G, and let \Sigma(A) denote the set of all group elements representable as a sum of some subset of A.
Bojan Mohar   +4 more
core   +5 more sources

Tracing the Origins of Early Symphonic Repertoire in the Slovenian Lands

open access: yesDe Musica Disserenda, 2015
In the eighteenth century the symphonic repertoire in the Slovenian Lands consisted mainly of works that were performed throughout Europe and were written by famous composers. While the composers of the earliest examples of the genre, dating from as late
Vesna Venišnik
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Occupational Safety and Health in Transnational Workplaces: The Case of Posted Workers

open access: yesDve Domovini, 2018
The article presents the results of an empirical study on the occupational safety and health (OSH) of posted workers in transnational, multilingual and multi-employer workplaces. The argument is based on data obtained from semi-structured interviews with
Mojca Vah Jevšnik, Nataša Rogelja
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