Results 1 to 10 of about 6,671 (69)

Correction to: Effects of behavioural activation on substance use and depression: a systematic review

open access: yesSubstance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2020
An amendment to this paper has been published and can be accessed via the original article.
Carmela Martínez-Vispo   +4 more
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Co-use of tobacco and cannabis: Complicated partnerships

open access: yesEuropean Psychiatry, 2021
Introduction Treating addiction is more challenging when there are co-addictions. Tobacco smoking is commonly associated with substance abuse, alcohol use disorders, excessive caffeine intake and pathological gambling among other addictions.
I. Ganhao, M. Trigo, A. Paixao
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Effectiveness of nicotine replacement therapy sample at outdoor smoking hotspots for initiating quit attempts and use of smoking cessation services: a protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial

open access: yesBMJ Open, 2020
Introduction More than half of the smoking population in Hong Kong are unmotivated to quit. Only about 2% of tobacco users in the territory have ever used cessation aids such as nicotine replacement therapy (NRT).
William Ho Cheung Li   +6 more
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Predictors of smoking relapse in a cohort of adolescents and young adults in Monastir (Tunisia)

open access: yesTobacco Induced Diseases, 2013
Background Smoking prevalence in adolescents and young adults is substantially elevated in Tunisia. Moreover, there is a lack of knowledge regarding the effectiveness and associated factors in smoking cessation interventions among adolescents and young ...
Sana El Mhamdi   +5 more
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How a sample of English stop smoking services and vape shops adapted during the early COVID-19 pandemic: a mixed-methods cross-sectional survey

open access: yesHarm Reduction Journal, 2021
Background The COVID-19 pandemic in England led to major changes in the delivery of support via stop smoking services (SSS) and to the widespread temporary closure of bricks and mortar e-cigarette retailers (vape shops herein).
Sharon Cox   +3 more
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Reducing financial barrier of smoking cessation treatment can effectively enhance prolonged abstinence: an experience from Taiwan

open access: yesTobacco Induced Diseases, 2018
Background and challenges to implementation Taiwan has established nationwide smoking cessation treatment service which was founded by the revenue of cigarette taxation since 2002.
Chihkuan Lai, Beeyo Chen, Ming-Da Liu
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Cognitive-behavioral treatment with behavioral activation for smokers with depressive symptomatology: study protocol of a randomized controlled trial

open access: yesBMC Psychiatry, 2017
Background Smoking is an important risk factor for mental health-related problems. Numerous studies have supported a bi-directional association between cigarette smoking and depression.
Elisardo Becoña   +5 more
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University-Based Smoking Cessation Program Through Pharmacist-Physician Initiative: An Economic Evaluation [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2016
Introduction: Annually, especially in poor resourced countries, significant amount of money is spent to treat chronic diseases. The money instead could be saved by spending on health promotion programs for preventing chronic diseases. Aim: To conduct
Mohamed Izham Mohamed Ibrahim   +2 more
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Effects of behavioural activation on substance use and depression: a systematic review

open access: yesSubstance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy, 2018
Introduction Substance use and depression co-occurrence is a frequent phenomenon and an important public health concern. Given the clinical implications and the high prevalence of both disorders, effective interventions are needed.
Carmela Martínez-Vispo   +4 more
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Intervention training of urology healthcare staff to counsel acute care inpatients on smoking cessation: An evaluation study

open access: yesNursing Open, 2023
Aim To evaluate the differences, following intervention training, in the knowledge, attitudes, role perception, self‐capacity and intention of urology staff to counsel inpatients on smoking cessation. Design A descriptive evaluation study of intervention
Ronit Tsemach   +2 more
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