Results 1 to 10 of about 809,151 (253)

Strange hadron production at high baryon density [PDF]

open access: yesEPJ Web of Conferences
Strange hadrons have been suggested as sensitive probes of the properties of the nuclear matter created in heavy-ion collisions. At few-GeV collision energies, the formed medium is baryon-rich due to baryon stopping effect.
Li Hongcan
doaj   +1 more source

Conditions for the existence of stable strange quark matter

open access: yesEPJ Web of Conferences, 2017
We discuss the possible existence of absolutely stable strange quark matter within three different types of chiral models. We will show that confinement plays a crucial role in determining the conditions for the Bodmer-Witten hypothesis to hold true.
Dondi N.A., Drago A., Pagliara G.
doaj   +1 more source

Five-Dimensional Strange Quark Bianchi Type-I Cosmological Model in The Framework of Saez Ballester Theory of Gravity

open access: yesEast European Journal of Physics
In this paper, we have constructed a five-dimensional Bianchi type I cosmological model with strange quark matter in the context of Saez-Ballester theory of gravity.
Mahesh Netnaskar   +2 more
doaj   +1 more source

Charged strange stellar model describing by Tolman V metric

open access: yesResults in Physics, 2021
This paper deals with the existence of a compact stellar object, precisely strange (quark) star, in the framework of Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity with Tolman V metric potential, which is one of the simplest forms of potential among his ...
M.K. Jasim   +5 more

Strange matter and its stability in presence of magnetic field [PDF]

open access: yesarXiv, 1995
We study the effect of a magnetic field on the interacting quark matter and apply to strange star. We considere the low temperature approximation to strange matter. We find that the interacting strange quark matter is more stable compare to free quark gas in presence of strong external magnetic field with zero and finite temperature.

Open Questions in the Understanding of Strangeness Production in HIC -- Experiment Perspective [PDF]

open access: yes, 2017
Open questions concerning strangeness production in heavy-ion collisions are discussed with a focus on the experimental aspects. The open points are presented in the context of recent measurements.
arxiv   +1 more source

Looking for Strange Quark Matter in Cosmic Rays.

open access: yesEPJ Web of Conferences, 2013
Usually it is supposed that the definition of the CR mass composition in knee region is the key to problem of CR spectrum modification in this range. However tens of the experiments were done for the last half of century and have not decided this problem
Bezshapov S.P., Shaulov S.B.
doaj   +1 more source

Strange Quark Matter in a Strong Magnetic Field

open access: yesEast European Journal of Physics, 2013
Thermodynamic properties of strange quark matter are considered in strong magnetic fields up to 1020 G. It is shown that the appearance of the longitudinal (along the magnetic field) instability beyond some critical magnetic field precludes the formation
Alexander Isayev

A method for probing the formation of quark matter

open access: yesPhysics Letters B, 2023
Based on a multi-phase transport model for relativistic heavy-ion collisions, effects of the parton scatterings on the production of strangeness in relativistic heavy-ion collisions are studied.
Gao-Chan Yong

Gravitational Wave Emission from Close-in Strange Quark Planets Around Strange Stars with Magnetic Interactions [PDF]

open access: yesMonthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society (MNRAS), 531:3905, 2024
According to the strange quark matter hypothesis, strange planets may exist, which are planetary mass objects composed of almost equal numbers of up, down and strange quarks. A strange planet can revolve around its host strange star in a very close-in orbit.
arxiv   +1 more source

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