Results 1 to 10 of about 219,360 (158)
In the design and prototyping of an Inductive-Resistive Superconductor Fault Current Limiter (IR-SFCL), previously presented by the authors, superconducting screens made from BSCO bulk have been used for shielding the inductive stage of the device.
Alfredo Alvarez+3 more
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Direct evidence of microstructure dependence of magnetic flux trapping in niobium
Elemental type-II superconducting niobium is the material of choice for superconducting radiofrequency cavities used in modern particle accelerators, light sources, detectors, sensors, and quantum computing architecture.
Shreyas Balachandran+6 more
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Evidence for charge delocalization crossover in the quantum critical superconductor CeRhIn5
The nature of charge degrees-of-freedom distinguishes scenarios for interpreting the character of a second order magnetic transition at zero temperature, that is, a magnetic quantum critical point (QCP).
Honghong Wang+6 more
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Effect of heat treatments on superconducting properties and connectivity in K-doped BaFe2As2
Fe-based superconductors and in particular K-doped BaFe2As2 (K-Ba122) are materials of interest for possible future high-field applications. However the critical current density (J c ) in polycrystalline Ba122 is still quite low and connectivity issues ...
Chiara Tarantini+5 more
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Transient Test and AC Loss Study of a Cryogenic Propulsion Unit for All Electric Aircraft
This paper reports a pioneering demonstration platform of a cryogenic propulsion unit at liquid nitrogen temperature. A high temperature superconducting (HTS) machine is connected with a cryogenic power rectifier in a generator mode to prove the ...
Fangjing Weng+5 more
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Quenched randomness, thermal fluctuations and reentrant superconductivity: application to UTe$_2$ [PDF]
Reentrant superconductivity has been observed in the candidate spin-triplet superconductor UTe$_2$ as a function of the magnetic field applied along the hard axis. Resistivity measurements have shown, a broadened superconducting transition appears near the minimal $T_c$, highlighting the importance of superconducting fluctuations in this regime.
arxiv +1 more source
Since the discovery of high temperature superconductors, a possible cryogen-free scenario has always been wished. Nowadays, liquid Helium is running out, and it is likely that the cooling by will be a large part of the costs of any superconducting system.
A. Leveratto+5 more
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Electrical Circuits Simulator in Null-Flux Electrodynamic Suspension Analysis
This paper employed an electrical circuit simulator to investigate an electrodynamic suspension system (EDS) for passenger rail transport applications.
Thaís N. França+5 more
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Patterned piezoelectric films as inter-digital transducer (PP-IDT) structures on diamond substrates have been attracting extensive attention due to the increased working frequency, electromechanical coupling, and quality factor of piezoelectric devices ...
B. W. Xie+6 more
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Current dependence of the negative magnetoresistance in superconducting NbN nanowires
Magnetoresistance measurements in amorphous NbN nanowires show that transport current affects their negative magnetoresistance (nMR) in a manner qualitatively similar to temperature.
Zoharchen Sofer+2 more
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