Results 1 to 10 of about 196,804 (312)

Superior vena cava syndrome in a patient with locally advanced lung cancer with good response to definitive chemoradiation: a case report

open access: yesJournal of Medical Case Reports, 2018
Background The incidence of superior vena cava syndrome within the United States is roughly 15,000 cases per year. Superior vena cava syndrome is a potentially life-threatening medical condition; however, superior vena cava syndrome is not fatal in the ...
Jason Hinton   +7 more
doaj   +2 more sources

Absent right superior vena cava and persistent left superior vena cava: An incidental finding [PDF]

open access: yesAnnals of Cardiac Anaesthesia, 2023
A patient with Marfan syndrome undergoing Bentall operation was found to have an absent right superior vena cava and persistent left superior vena cava. The dilation of coronary sinus raised the suspicion of persistent left superior vena cava.
Swati Joshi, Ajmer Singh
doaj   +2 more sources

Morphological data of the superior vena cava predicted by multiple linear regression equations [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Cardiovascular Disorders
This study explores the main surface markers in the hemodialysis puncture catheterization pathway and the relative spatial position of venous vessels in the puncture results, providing data support for venous puncture.
Yuan Wang   +9 more
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Direct Anastomosis of Persistent Left Superior Vena Cava to Right Superior Vena Cava in a Pediatric Patient with Tetralogy of Fallot: an Alternative Technique [PDF]

open access: yesBrazilian Journal of Cardiovascular Surgery, 2022
The presence of persistent left superior vena cava to the left atrium connection without an innominate vein may give rise to technical challenges during intracardiac repair.
Mustafa Yilmaz, Atakan Atalay
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A rare case of two superior vena cava with two azygos veins in a cadaver

open access: yesNational Journal of Clinical Anatomy, 2023
In embryonic life developmental malformation of thoracic veins can lead to anomalies of the Superior vena cava and major thoracic veins like Azygos system. Double superior vena cava and double azygos vein are rare congenital anomaly with the incidence of
Archana Singh   +3 more
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Level-set based pre-processing algorithm for particle-based methods [PDF]

open access: yesComputer Physics Communications, Volume 289, August 2023, 108744, 2022
Obtaining high quality particle distribution representing clean geometry in pre-processing is essential for the simulation accuracy of the particle-based methods. In this paper, several level-set based techniques for cleaning up `dirty' geometries automatically and generating homogeneous particle distributions are presented.
arxiv   +1 more source

Superior vena cava syndrome induced by lung hyperinflation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: a case report

open access: yesJournal of Medical Case Reports, 2023
Background Superior vena cava syndrome is rarely attributed to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Case presentation We present the case of an 82-year-old Japanese man who experienced gradually progressive dyspnea on exertion. His physical examination
Nobuhiro Kanaji   +7 more
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Superior vena cava syndrome caused by epitheloid hemangioma [PDF]

open access: yesVojnosanitetski Pregled, 2005
Aim. A case is presented of the surgical treatment of epitheloid hemangioma as a rare cause of superior vena cava syndrome. Case report. A 53-year old woman was admitted to the clinic with the symptoms and signs of superior vena cava syndrome.
Ilić Radoje   +3 more
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Orthotopic heart transplantation with reconstruction of persistent left superior vena cava

open access: yesSurgical Case Reports, 2020
Background Persistent left superior vena cava is a not uncommon congenital vascular abnormality. We report a case of heart transplantation with reconstruction of persistent left superior vena cava using a prosthetic vascular graft. Case presentation A 20-
Kazuma Handa   +6 more
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A DICOM Framework for Machine Learning Pipelines against Real-Time Radiology Images [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Digital Imaging (JDI), 2021, 2020
Executing machine learning (ML) pipelines in real-time on radiology images is hard due to the limited computing resources in clinical environments and the lack of efficient data transfer capabilities to run them on research clusters. We propose Niffler, an integrated framework that enables the execution of ML pipelines at research clusters by ...
arxiv   +1 more source

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