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The Supersymmetric Standard Model [PDF]
arXiv, 1998 This set of lectures introduces at an elementary level the supersymmetric
Standard Model and discusses some of its phenomenological properties.
(Lectures given by J. Louis at the summer school ``Grundlagen und neue
Methoden der theoretischen Physik'', Saalburg, 1996.)Jan Louis, Ilka Brunner, Stephan J. Huber +2 morearxiv +5 more sourcesProposal for a Supersymmetric Standard Model [PDF]
Physical Review Letters, 2005 The fact that neutrinos are massive suggests that the minimal supersymmetric
standard model (MSSM) might be extended in order to include three gauge-singlet
neutrino superfields with Yukawa couplings of the type $H_2 L \nu^c$.C. Muñoz, D. E. López-Fogliani, M. Hirsch +2 morecore +5 more sourcesA Warped Supersymmetric Standard Model [PDF]
Nuclear Physics B, 2001 We study the breaking of supersymmetry in five-dimensional (5d) warped
spaces, using the Randall-Sundrum model as a prototype. In particular, we
present a supersymmetry-breaking mechanism which has a geometrical origin, and
consists of imposing different Alex Pomarol, Alonso-Alberca, Altendorfer, Antoniadis, Antoniadis, Antoniadis, Antoniadis, Antoniadis, Antoniadis, Arkani-Hamed, Arkani-Hamed, Bagger, Bajc, Barbieri, Benakli, Bergshoeff, Brevik, Brignole, Chang, Cvetič, Davoudiasl, Delgado, Dudas, Duff, Duff, Fabinger, Falkowski, Falkowski, Ferrara, Garriga, Garriga, Gherghetta, Gherghetta, Giddings, Goldberger, Grinstein, Grossman, Gubser, Kaloper, Lukas, Luty, Maldacena, Nilles, Nojiri, Oda, Pomarol, Pomarol, Pomarol, Randall, Rattazzi, Scherk, Scherk, Tony Gherghetta, Verlinde +53 morecore +7 more sourcesDuality of a Supersymmetric Standard Model [PDF]
Progress of Theoretical Physics, 1995 We examine a dual theory of a Supersymmetric Standard Model(SSM) in terms of
an $SU(3)_C$ gauge group. In this scenario, it is naturally understood that at
least one quark (the top quark) should be heavy, i.e., almost the same order as
the weak scale ...Maekawa, Nobuhirocore +7 more sourcesThe Next-to-Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model [PDF]
Physics Reports, 2009 We review the theoretical and phenomenological aspects of the Next-to-Minimal
Supersymmetric Standard Model: the Higgs sector including radiative corrections
and the 2-loop beta-functions for all parameters of the general NMSSM; the
tadpole and domain ...Abada, Abada, Abazov, Abbiendi, Abbiendi, Abbiendi, Abbiendi, Abdallah, Abdallah, Abel, Abel, Abel, Abel, Abel, Abulencia, Accomando, Adriani, Adriani, Agashe, Aglietti, Ahmed, Akeroyd, Allahverdi, Allanach, Allanach, Alvarez-Gaume, Amaldi, Amini, Amsler, Ana M. Teixeira, Ananthanarayan, Ananthanarayan, Ananthanarayan, Angle, Angle, Antoniadis, Antoniadis, Antusch, Apreda, Apreda, Arhrib, Arkani-Hamed, Arnowitt, Asatrian, Asatrian, Athron, Athron, Aubert, Aubert, Aubert, Aubert, Aubert, Babu, Babu, Bagger, Bagger, Bai, Balazs, Balazs, Balazs, Ball, Barate, Barbier, Barbieri, Barbieri, Barbieri, Barger, Barger, Barger, Barger, Barger, Barger, Barger, Barger, Barger, Barr, Bartl, Bastero-Gil, Bastero-Gil, Bastero-Gil, Bastero-Gil, Basu, Batra, Becher, Bednyakov, Bednyakov, Belanger, Belanger, Belanger, Belanger, Belyaev, Bennett, Bernabei, Binetruy, Binetruy, Birkedal, Boudjema, Boz, Brambilla, Branco, Brax, Brignole, Buchalla, Buras, Buras, Campbell, Cao, Cao, Cao, Carena, Carena, Carena, Carena, Carena, Carlos, Carpenter, Cavicchia, Cavicchia, Cerdeno, Cerdeno, Cerdeno, Cerdeno, Chacko, Chacko, Chacko, Chamseddine, Chang, Chang, Chang, Chang, Chang, Chang, Chemtob, Chemtob, Cheung, Cheung, Cheung, Chiang, Choi, Choi, Choi, Choi, Choi, Chun, Chung, Ciafaloni, Ciafaloni, Cohen, Cohen, Comelli, Comelli, Costa, Cvetic, Cvetic, Cvetic, Cyril Hugonie, Daikoku, Daikoku, Daikoku, Dalgic, Davier, Davier, Davier, Davies, Davies, Dedes, Degrassi, Degrassi, Delgado, Delgado, Demir, Demir, Demir, Demir, Demir, Demir, Demir, Demir, Demir, Derendinger, Derendinger, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Dermisek, Deshpande, Diaz, Dimopoulos, Dine, Dine, Dine, Dine, Djouadi, Djouadi, Djouadi, Djouadi, Dobrescu, Dobrescu, Domingo, Domingo, Domingo, Domingo, Domingo, Dragon, Drees, Drees, Drees, Drees, Dubovsky, Durand, Durand, Dvali, Elliott, Elliott, Elliott, Elliott, Ellis, Ellis, Ellis, Ellis, Ellis, Ellis, Ellis, Ellis, Ellis, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Ellwanger, Erler, Erler, Escudero, Espinosa, Espinosa, Espinosa, Espinosa, Espinosa, Eyton-Williams, Eyton-Williams, Falck, Farrar, Fayet, Fayet, Fayet, Feldstein, Ferrara, Ferrer, Fidalgo, Flores, Flores, Forshaw, Franke, Franke, Franke, Franke, Franke, Frere, Fullana, Funakubo, Funakubo, Garisto, Gato, Gava, Gelmini, Georgi, Ghosh, Giudice, Giudice, Giudice, Giudice, Giunti, Gogoladze, Goldberg, Gondolo, Gouvea, Graham, Greene, Griest, Gunion, Gunion, Gunion, Gunion, Haba, Haba, Haber, Hall, Hall, Hall, Hall, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Ham, Han, Han, Harnik, He, He, Heinemeyer, Hempfling, Heng, Hesselbach, Hesselbach, Hesselbach, Hewett, Hiller, Hodgkinson, Hodgkinson, Hodgkinson, Hollik, Hooper, Howl, Howl, Huber, Huber, Huber, Huber, Hugonie, Hugonie, Huh, Hundi, Hur, Hurth, Ibanez, Ibanez, Inoue, Inoue, Inoue, Iwasaki, Jain, Jean, Jean-Louis, Jegerlehner, Jones, Jones, Jungman, Kalinowski, Kamoshita, Kane, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kang, Kaplan, Kaul, Kim, King, King, King, King, King, Kitano, Kitano, Kniehl, Kobayashi, Kobayashi, Kolda, Komargodski, Konig, Kraml, Kraml, Kraniotis, Krasnikov, Krawczyk, Kunszt, Kuzmin, Lahanas, Langacker, Langacker, Langacker, Langacker, Lebedev, Lebedev, Lee, Lee, Lee, Lisanti, Liu, Lopez-Fogliani, Lopez-Fogliani, Love, Mahmoudi, Maloney, Mambrini, Mambrini, Mangano, Maniatis, Maniatis, Martin, Martin, Martin, Martin, Martin, Masip, Mason, Mason, Matsuda, Mcelrath, Mckeen, Menon, Miller, Miller, Miller, Miller, Misiak, Misiak, Mohapatra, Moortgat-Pick, Moretti, Moretti, Moroi, Morrissey, Morrissey, Nakamura, Nanopoulos, Nath, Nath, Nemeschansky, Nevzorov, Nevzorov, Nevzorov, Nihei, Nilles, Nilles, Nilles, Nomura, Okada, Okada, Olive, Pagels, Panagiotakopoulos, Panagiotakopoulos, Panagiotakopoulos, Panagiotakopoulos, Pandita, Pandita, Pandita, Pandita, Pandita, Pandita, Pandita, Park, Peccei, Peccei, Pierce, Pietroni, Polchinski, Pomarol, Porod, Rai, Recksiegel, Reuter, Romao, Sakai, Sakai, Sanchis-Lozano, Sanchis-Lozano, Sanchis-Lozano, Schael, Schael, Schuster, Spergel, Stelzer, Stephan, Stephan, Stockinger, Suematsu, Suematsu, Suematsu, Suematsu, Suematsu, Suematsu, Suematsu, Suematsu, Tegmark, Ulrich Ellwanger, Veselov, Vilenkin, Wang, Wang, Weiglein, Weinberg, West, Wilczek, Witten, Witten, Xiangdong, Yamada, Yamada, Yamada, Yao, Yeghian +531 morecore +9 more sourcesRenormalization of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model [PDF]
Nuclear Physics B - Proceedings Supplements, 2002 The renormalization of the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) is
presented. We describe symmetry identities that constitute a framework in which
the MSSM is completely characterized and renormalizability can be proven.Capper, Chankowski, Christian Rupp, Dabelstein, Dominik Stöckinger, Elisabeth Kraus, Flume, Hollik, Hollik, Hollik, Hollik, Klaus Sibold, Kraus, Kraus, Kraus, Kraus, Kraus, Kraus, Kraus, Maggiore, Maggiore, Markus Roth, Wolfgang Hollik +22 morecore +13 more sourcesElectric Dipole Moments in the Generic Supersymmetric Standard Model [PDF]
Phys.Atom.Nucl. 65 (2002) 2109-2115; Yad.Fiz. 65 (2002) 2173-2178, 2001 The generic supersymmetric standard model is a model built from a
supersymmetrized standard model field spectrum the gauge symmetries only. The
popular minimal supersymmetric standard model differs from the generic version
in having R-parity imposed by ...L. E. Ibáñez, M. Bisset, M. Maltoni, O. C. W. Kong, O. C. W. Kong, O. C. W. Kong, O. C. W. Kong, O. C. W. Kong, S. Davidson, Y.-Y. Keum +9 morecore +3 more sources