Results 1 to 10 of about 1,134,790 (206)

Contextualizing Support Vector Machine Predictions [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, 2020
Classification in artificial intelligence is usually understood as a process whereby several objects are evaluated to predict the class(es) those objects belong to.
Marcelo Loor, Guy De Tré
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Global-local least-squares support vector machine (GLocal-LS-SVM).

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2023
This study introduces the global-local least-squares support vector machine (GLocal-LS-SVM), a novel machine learning algorithm that combines the strengths of localised and global learning.
Ahmed Youssef Ali Amer
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Efficient heart disease diagnosis based on twin support vector machine

open access: yesDiagnostyka, 2021
Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the world according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Researchers are more interested in using machine learning techniques to help medical staff diagnose or detect heart disease early.
Youcef Brik   +2 more
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Binarized Support Vector Machines [PDF]

open access: yesINFORMS Journal on Computing, 2010
The widely used support vector machine (SVM) method has shown to yield very good results in supervised classification problems. Other methods such as classification trees have become more popular among practitioners than SVM thanks to their interpretability, which is an important issue in data mining.In this work, we propose an SVM-based method that ...
Carrizosa, Emilio   +2 more
openaire   +6 more sources

Support Vector Machine For Hoax Detection

open access: yesSINTECH (Science and Information Technology) Journal, 2023
Along with the development of information technology, news media has also developed by presenting information online Along with the rapid development of online news, the spread of fake news information (hoaxes) is also increasing rapidly and widely ...
Ni Wayan Sumartini Saraswati   +3 more
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On Coresets for Support Vector Machines [PDF]

open access: yesTheoretical Computer Science, 2020
We present an efficient coreset construction algorithm for large-scale Support Vector Machine (SVM) training in Big Data and streaming applications. A coreset is a small, representative subset of the original data points such that a models trained on the coreset are provably competitive with those trained on the original data set. Since the size of the
Murad Tukan   +3 more
openaire   +5 more sources

Two-Phase Indefinite Kernel Support Vector Machine

open access: yesJisuanji kexue yu tansuo, 2020
Recently, indefinite kernel support vector machine (IKSVM) has attracted great attention in the machine learning community as more and more indefinite metric kernel matrices have occurred.
SHI Na, XUE Hui, WANG Yunyun
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Selection of Specialization Class Using Support Vector Machine (SVM) Method in Sekolah Menengah Atas Negeri 1 Ambon

open access: yesCauchy: Jurnal Matematika Murni dan Aplikasi, 2021
The curriculum is a plan to form the abilities and character of children based on a standard. One of its form is the division of specialization classes at the high school level.
Stevanny Tamaela   +2 more
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Improvement of Time Forecasting Models Using Machine Learning for Future Pandemic Applications Based on COVID-19 Data 2020–2022

open access: yesDiagnostics, 2023
Improving forecasts, particularly the accuracy, efficiency, and precision of time-series forecasts, is becoming critical for authorities to predict, monitor, and prevent the spread of the Coronavirus disease.
Abdul Aziz K Abdul Hamid   +9 more
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Overcome Support Vector Machine Diagnosis Overfitting

open access: yesCancer Informatics, 2014
Support vector machines (SVMs) are widely employed in molecular diagnosis of disease for their efficiency and robustness. However, there is no previous research to analyze their overfitting in high-dimensional omics data based disease diagnosis, which is
Henry Han, Xiaoqian Jiang
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