Results 1 to 10 of about 3,944,192 (293)
Each of the giant planets within the Solar System has large moons but none of these moons have their own moons (which we call ${\it submoons}$). By analogy with studies of moons around short-period exoplanets, we investigate the tidal-dynamical stability of submoons.
Juna A Kollmeier, Sean N Raymond
arxiv +9 more sources
Sun vs Moon in the Mythopoetic Picture of the World of the Udmurt Bilingual Poet Vyacheslav Ar-Sergi
The Russian-language creativity of national authors is one of the most relevant topics of modern research. The issue of the preserving their identity in a different language field is complex and is ambiguously covered in the scientific literature.
Evgenia V. Panteleeva
doaj +1 more source
Yearling proportion correlates with habitat structure in a boreal forest landbird community [PDF]
Landbird vital rates, such as productivity and adult survivorship, can be estimated by modeling mist-netting capture data. The proportion in which an adult breeding bird is 1 year of age (a “yearling”), however, has been studied only minimally in a few ...
Peter Pyle+4 more
doaj +2 more sources
The spectrophotometric properties of two study areas in the Ingenii swirl region show that the combined effects of multiple processes are required to explain the regolith’s mineralogical and physical properties.
Deborah Domingue+7 more
doaj +1 more source
The US space activities from their inception have been closely connected with the private sector. However, only in 2010s private space companies have come to play a prominent role not only on the global market of space services but in the field of ...
E. A. Kuznetsov
doaj +1 more source
In 2024, under NASA’s Commercial Lunar Payload Services initiative, a robotic lander will touch down in Mare Crisium of the Moon and deploy a heat flow probe.
Seiichi Nagihara
doaj +1 more source
As colleges and universities rapidly closed due to COVID-19, students and faculty were faced with unique challenges. The pandemic forced the cancellation of all campus activities, both extra-curricular and program-focused, such as student teaching ...
Susan W. Parker+2 more
doaj +1 more source
Transfer design between neighborhoods of planetary moons in the circular restricted three-body problem [PDF]
Given the interest in future space missions devoted to the exploration of key moons in the solar system and that may involve libration point orbits, an efficient design strategy for transfers between moons is introduced that leverages the dynamics in these multi-body systems.
arxiv +1 more source
Discusses the work of Eleanor Lutz and her Atlas of Space project. The cover of this issue of the magazine presents Lutz's Moon Map.
openaire +3 more sources
Large planets may not form fractionally large moons [PDF]
One of the unique aspects of Earth is that it has a fractionally large Moon, which is thought to have formed from a Moon-forming disk generated by a giant impact. The Moon stabilizes the Earth's spin axis at least by several degrees and contributes to Earth's stable climate.
arxiv +1 more source