Results 1 to 10 of about 90,109 (403)

Sleep and thermoregulation

open access: yesCurrent Opinion in Physiology, 2020
In homeothermic animals sleep preparatory behaviours often promote thermal efficiency, including warmth-seeking, adopting particular postures (curling up, head tucking) and nest building, all promoting warmer skin microclimates. Skin warmth induces NREM sleep and body cooling via circuitry that connects skin sensation to the preoptic hypothalamus ...
Harding, E, Franks, N, Wisden, W
openaire   +6 more sources

REM Sleep and Endothermy: Potential Sites and Mechanism of a Reciprocal Interference [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Physiology, 2017
Numerous data show a reciprocal interaction between REM sleep and thermoregulation. During REM sleep, the function of thermoregulation appears to be impaired; from the other hand, the tonic activation of thermogenesis, such as during cold exposure ...
Matteo Cerri   +4 more
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The Genetics of Thermoregulation in Pigs: A Review

open access: yesFrontiers in Veterinary Science, 2021
Heat stress (HS) affects pig performance, health and welfare, resulting in a financial burden to the pig industry. Pigs have a limited number of functional sweat glands and their thermoregulatory mechanisms used to maintain body temperature, are ...
Jean-Luc Gourdine   +3 more
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Physiological and Behavioral Mechanisms of Thermoregulation in Mammals

open access: yesAnimals, 2021
This review analyzes the main anatomical structures and neural pathways that allow the generation of autonomous and behavioral mechanisms that regulate body heat in mammals.
Daniel Mota-Rojas   +8 more
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Functional relationship between peripheral thermosensation and behavioral thermoregulation [PDF]

open access: yesFrontiers in Neural Circuits
Thermoregulation is a fundamental mechanism for maintaining homeostasis in living organisms because temperature affects essentially all biochemical and physiological processes. Effector responses to internal and external temperature cues are critical for
Takuto Suito   +4 more
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Dehydration constrains thermoregulation and space use in lizards.

open access: yesPLoS ONE, 2019
Climate change is negatively affecting many species. The increase in mean air temperature is often associated with shifts in distribution, changes in phenology, and local extinctions. Other factors that only partially correlate with air temperature, like
Marco Sannolo, Miguel Angel Carretero
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Thermoregulation Effects of Phoneutria nigriventer Isolated Toxins in Rats [PDF]

open access: yesToxins
Body temperature is primarily regulated by the hypothalamus, ensuring proper metabolic function. Envenomation by Phoneutria nigriventer can cause symptoms such as hypothermia, hyperthermia, sweating, and shivering, all related to thermoregulation.
Carla Bogri Butkeraitis   +2 more
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Thermoregulation in reindeer

open access: yesRangifer, 1986
Thermoregulation was studied in Finnish reindeer (Rangifer tarandus L) on captive and herded individuals during 1977-85. Newborn calves maintained a high rectal temperature (Tre) (+39 to +41°C) even at —23°C by increasing heat production 5- to 6-fold ...
Päivi Soppela   +2 more
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Exercise and thermoregulation

open access: yesJournal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2012
Humans have physiological, intellectual, and cultural capabilities to maintain viable body temperatures under several conditions. We do exercise in daily living for labor, health, and just fun.
Kei Nagashima   +4 more
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Aging and thermoregulation

open access: yesJournal of Physical Fitness and Sports Medicine, 2013
Global warming is now recognized worldwide. Thermoregulation is critical for human survival when exposed to a severely hot environment. Thermoregulation is closely related to physical fitness, but fitness decreases with advancing age.
Manabu Shibasaki   +2 more
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