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Risk prediction model of impacted supernumerary tooth-associated root resorption in children based on cone-beam computed tomography analysis: a case control study [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Oral Health
Background External surface resorption is pressure-induced resorption and occurs on the external surface of the root, pressure exerted by impacted teeth, is common causes of external surface resorption.
Yakang Li   +6 more
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Prevalence, Occurrence, and Characteristics of Supernumerary Teeth Among the Saudi Arabian Population Using Panoramic Radiographs [PDF]

open access: yesDiagnostics
Background: Supernumerary teeth numerical anomalies and the early diagnosis of supernumerary teeth is very important to avoid potential complications. The study aim was to determine the prevalence, occurrence, and characteristics of supernumerary teeth ...
Sreekanth Kumar Mallineni   +10 more
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Prevalence of tooth agenesis and supernumerary teeth related to different Thai cleft lip and cleft palate populations [PDF]

open access: yesBMC Oral Health
Background Pattern of dental anomalies encountered in cleft patients shows subtle signs of genetic involvement. This study aimed to evaluate the prevalence and pattern of tooth agenesis and supernumerary teeth in Thai cleft population according to the ...
Wai Phyo Aung   +4 more
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A Third Supernumerary Tooth Occurring in the Same Region: A Case Report

open access: yesDentistry Journal, 2023
The presence of a supernumerary tooth is one of the most common dental anomalies, and surgical treatment is often required to address this anomaly. Moreover, it may lead to malocclusion, and long-term follow-up is important to monitor its status.
Tatsuya Akitomo   +11 more
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Supernumerary nasal tooth [PDF]

open access: yesThe Laryngoscope, 1977
AbstractA tooth presenting in the nasal cavity is an unusual phenomenon. Supernumerary teeth usually occur in the upper incisor area. Other locations may be the maxillary third molar and the mandibular bicuspid areas. Nasal teeth are a rare form of supernumerary teeth. They may be asymptomatic or may present with nasal obstruction and infection.
Keith A. Laferriere, Stanley E. Thawley
openaire   +3 more sources

Supernumerary tooth in lower incisor region: A case report [PDF]

open access: yesStomatološki glasnik Srbije, 2010
Supernumerary teeth are defined as any supplementary tooth in addition to usual configuration of twenty deciduous and thirty-two permanent teeth. They are most commonly found in the anterior maxilla and mandibular bicuspid region.
Grga Đurica, Dželetović Bojan
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Epidemiology of Supernumerary Teeth in 5000 Radiography Films: Investigation of Patients Referring to the Clinics of Ardabil in 2015–2020

open access: yesInternational Journal of Dentistry, 2021
Background. Supernumerary tooth is defined as any extra tooth or odontogenic structure that is formed on normal dentition. Supernumerary teeth cause such problems as deficiency in tooth growth, ectopic growth, displacement, crowding, diastema ...
Emran Hajmohammadi   +3 more
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Molariform Mesiodens in Primary Dentition: A Case Report [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research, 2014
A supernumerary tooth is a developmental anomaly and it has been argued to arise from multiple aetiologies. Mesiodens is a midline supernumerary tooth which is commonly seen in the maxillary arch, and incidence of molariform mesiodens in the maxillary ...
Indira MD   +4 more
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Fusion of multiple impacted supernumerary teeth with maxillary third molar - A rare case report

open access: yesIndian Journal of Dental Sciences, 2021
Fused supernumerary teeth are an uncommon finding. Fusion is an abnormality of tooth development. It is common in the lower anterior but rare in maxilla.
Rita Rai   +4 more
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Nonsyndromic multiple supernumerary teeth: A case report of 11 supernumerary teeth

open access: yesJournal of Indian Academy of Oral Medicine and Radiology, 2012
Hyperdontia is an odontostomatologic anomaly characterized by an excess in both erupted and non-erupted teeth number. A23-year-old female patient reported to us with a chief complaint of malaligned teeth and inability to maintain oral hygiene.
Balaji Krishnan   +2 more
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