Results 1 to 10 of about 465,470 (142)
The role of memory in affirming-the-consequent fallacy [PDF]
Summary: People tend to recognize that a transitive relation remains true even when its order is reversed. This affirming-the-consequent fallacy is thought to be uniquely related to human intelligence.
Yoko Higuchi+4 more
doaj +2 more sources
Scott-topology based on transitive binary relation [PDF]
In the study of partially ordered sets, topologies such as Scott-topology have shown to be of paramount importance. In order to have analogous topology-like tools in the more general setting of quantitative domains, we introduce a method to construct ...
Osama Sayed, Nabil Hassan Sayed
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$\mathcal F$-hypercyclic and disjoint $\mathcal F$-hypercyclic properties of binary relations over topological spaces [PDF]
We examine various types of $\mathcal F$-hypercyclic ($\mathcal F$-topologically transitive) and disjoint $\mathcal F$-hypercyclic (disjoint $\mathcal F$-topologically transitive) properties of binary relations over topological spaces.
Marko Kostić
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The transitivity of primary conjugacy in regular ω-semigroups
The conjugacy relation plays an important role in group theory and the conjugacy relation of groups has been generalized to semigroups in various methods by several authors.
Liu Xin, Wang Shoufeng
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The Fluted Fragment with Transitive Relations [PDF]
We study the satisfiability problem for the fluted fragment extended with transitive relations. The logic enjoys the finite model property when only one transitive relation is available and the finite model property is lost when additionally either equality or a second transitive relation is allowed.
arxiv +1 more source
This article consists of some new fixed point theorems verifying relation-theoretic strict almost nonlinear contractions that are preserved by a locally finitely transitive relation. Our results improve certain well-known results in the literature.
Faizan Ahmad Khan+5 more
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Affixations in Javanese Transitive Verbs that Change the Constituents from Divalent to Trivalent
This paper aims to describe the affixations in Javanese transitive verbs that affect the valency of a sentence from divalent to trivalent. Other studies have explored the grammaticality of transitive verbs’ valency, but none have investigated the details
Aditya Rizky Wibisono Sapran+1 more
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Some characterisations of groups in which normality is a transitive relation by means of subgroup embedding properties [PDF]
In this survey we highlight the relations between some subgroup embedding properties that characterise groups in which normality is a transitive relation in certain universes of groups with some finiteness properties.
Ramon Esteban-Romero, Giovanni Vincenzi
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Transitive Closures of Ternary Fuzzy Relations
Recently, we have introduced six types of composition of ternary fuzzy relations. These compositions are close in spirit to the composition of binary fuzzy relations.
Lemnaouar Zedam, Bernard De Baets
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Causal Pathway Extraction from Web-Board Documents
This research aim is to extract causal pathways, particularly disease causal pathways, through cause-effect relation (CErel) extraction from web-board documents.
Chaveevan Pechsiri, Rapepun Piriyakul
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