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Judicial Assistance for the Foreign "Tribunal" [PDF]
The judicial assistance available to foreign governmental agencies in the United States was greatly expanded by the 1964 amendments to the federal assistance statute.
openalex +4 more sources
Enacting Law: The Dramaturgy of the Courtroom on the Contemporary Stage
Although historical research into twentieth-century theatrical tribunals is widespread, the recurring theme of justice in contemporary performance practices remains largely unexplored.
Steff Nellis
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El alcance del principio de la interdicción de los poderes públicos es una de las cuestiones esenciales para la comprensión del Estado de derecho. En el caso del ejercicio de la potestad jurisdiccional, la imparcialidad de los tribunales deviene esencial,
Xosé Antón Sarmiento Méndez
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Resumo A Junta de Comércio no império Luso-brasileiro é um tema bastante estudado pela historiografia no que diz respeito à posição social e política adquirida pela classe mercantil após a sua criação em 1755, em Lisboa.
Cláudia Maria das Graças CHAVES
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La matrice juridique et révolutionnaire de la pensée kantienne [PDF]
Résumé L’article vise à souligner la signification politique de l’avènement de la Critique kantienne. Pour ce faire, une double thèse est défendue : (I) il y a une matrice juridique sous-jacente au mouvement conceptuel de la philosophie critique, dont ...
Luís Fellipe Garcia
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Responsibility for war crimes in the activities of international criminal tribunals
The main goal of this article is to research the legal issues of responsibility for war crimes in the activities of international criminal tribunals. The Nuremberg Tribunal also introduced a separate concept of “war crimes”, which is an important step in
M. Eyyubova
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Le code du travail mentionne les infractions du travail. Mais le législateur n’a ni organisé la procédure applicable pour l’infliction de la peine ni la juridiction compétente.
International criminal justice after World War II [PDF]
This year marks the seventieth anniversary of the end of the most terrible war in the history of mankind. Namely, after six years of worldwide hostilities, the Nazi and fascist countries, primarily Germany and Japan, finally signed the capitulation. This
Jovašević Dragan
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Magic Realism in Hiligaynon Urban Legends
In the modern time, urban legends become unique and valuable stories in the community. These are living people's testimony about their experiences with mix magical and mundane elements in an overall context of realistic narrations. The primary concern of
Ruth Tribunal
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Breaching international law to ensure its enforcement: the reliance by the ICTY on illegal capture [PDF]
n an address to the United Nations General Assembly on 7 November 1995, Antonio Cassese, then President of the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), highlighted the difficulty of enforcing international criminal justice in the
Sloan, J.
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