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Congenital Umbilical Cord Hernia: Prenatal and Postnatal Management [PDF]

open access: goldAmerican Journal of Perinatology Reports
Congenital umbilical cord hernia is often misdiagnosed and easily confused with a small omphalocele. It is different from postnatally diagnosed umbilical hernias and is believed to arise from persistent physiological mid-gut herniation.
Stephanie Rodriguez   +3 more
doaj   +4 more sources

Pediculated Accessory Liver Lobe with Gallbladder in a Preterm with Umbilical Cord Hernia [PDF]

open access: goldChildren, 2022
(1) Background: Accessory liver lobes are a rare finding and only a few case reports of accessory liver lobes in abdominal wall defects have been reported so far.
Martha Georgina Brandtner   +5 more
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Umbilical cord hernia with Meckel's diverticulum

open access: goldJournal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2022
Umbilical cord hernia is a rare and benign congenital defect of the abdominal wall, usually misdiagnosed as omphalocele. Its association with Meckel's diverticulum is very rare, with only few cases described in literature.We present a case of a male ...
Nadia Laezza   +4 more
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Hernia into the umbilical cord with incarceration of liver and gall bladder in a newborn [PDF]

open access: goldJournal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2013
Incarceration of liver tissue in a hernia of the umbilical cord is a rare occurrence. An incarceration of the gall bladder is even rarer. We report such a case in a newborn that had incarceration of both liver and gall bladder in to the umbilical ...
Hasaniya, Nahidh W.   +4 more
core   +4 more sources

Congenital hernia of umbilical cord masquerading as umbilical cyst and omphalocele on antenatal scans

open access: diamondMedical Journal of Dr. D.Y. Patil Vidyapeeth, 2020
Congenital hernia of the umbilical cord (CHUC) is a rare, distinctive anomaly with variable presentation and conflicting terminology. We report two newborn infants who had fetal antenatal diagnosis as umbilical cord cyst and omphalocele, respectively ...
Krishna Revanna Gopagondanahalli   +5 more
doaj   +4 more sources

Congenital Hernia of the Umbilical Cord: A Retrospective Case Study. [PDF]

open access: hybridActa Med Philipp, 2023
BACKGROUND: Congenital hernia of the umbilical cord (CHUC) is the rarest type of anterior abdominal wall defect, in which an intact umbilical ring is always present and viscera pass through the base of normal-looking umbilicus. OBJECTIVES: This study was conducted to document the intraoperative findings and postoperative outcomes of patients with ...
Gupta UK   +4 more
europepmc   +4 more sources

Iatrogenic intestinal perforation in umbilical cord hernia

open access: goldJournal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2020
We report a case of 1-day-old boy referred with suspicion of umbilical cord hernia, who had a broad based umbilical cord. Iatrogenic intestinal perforation due to clamping of an umbilical cord hernia which contained intestinal loop was noticed after the ...
Şenay Kurtuluş
doaj   +5 more sources

Rare Abdominal Wall Malformation: Case Report of Umbilical Cord Hernia [PDF]

open access: diamondActa Medica, 2018
The umbilical cord hernia is the rarest form of abdominal wall malformations, anatomically completely different from gastroschisis and omphalocele. It occurs due to the permanent physiological evisceration of abdominal organs into umbilical celom and ...
Andro Gliha   +5 more
doaj   +6 more sources

Liver as sole content of umbilical cord hernia

open access: goldJournal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2021
Hernia of the Umbilical Cord (HUC) is a distinct form of ventral abdominal wall defects, commonly misinterpreted as Omphalocele minor. Usually, the contents are the small intestine, large intestine, or vitello-intestinal duct remnants; but rarely liver ...
Zahra Almatar   +4 more
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Umbilical cord hernia with unusual content

open access: goldJournal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports, 2023
Umbilical cord hernia is one of the congenital anterior abdominal wall defects which occurs in new borns. It is thought to occur due to failure of the mid gut structures to fully return to the abdominal cavity and hence the its usual contents are mid gut
Hana Abebe Gebreselassie   +1 more
doaj   +3 more sources

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