Designing verbal autopsy studies [PDF]
Background Verbal autopsy analyses are widely used for estimating cause-specific mortality rates (CSMR) in the vast majority of the world without high-quality medical death registration.
Shibuya Kenji, Lu Ying, King Gary
doaj +7 more sources
Comparing verbal autopsy cause of death findings as determined by physician coding and probabilistic modelling: a public health analysis of 54 000 deaths in Africa and Asia [PDF]
Background: Coverage of civil registration and vital statistics varies globally, with most deaths in Africa and Asia remaining either unregistered or registered without cause of death.
Peter Byass +15 more
doaj +6 more sources
Using verbal autopsy to assess the prevalence of HIV infection among deaths in the ART period in rural Uganda: a prospective cohort study, 2006-2008 [PDF]
Background Verbal autopsy is important for detecting causes of death including HIV in areas with inadequate vital registration systems. Before antiretroviral therapy (ART) introduction, a verbal autopsy study in rural Uganda found that half of adult ...
Mugisha Joseph O+7 more
doaj +5 more sources
Simplified Symptom Pattern Method for verbal autopsy analysis: multisite validation study using clinical diagnostic gold standards [PDF]
Background Verbal autopsy can be a useful tool for generating cause of death data in data-sparse regions around the world. The Symptom Pattern (SP) Method is one promising approach to analyzing verbal autopsy data, but it has not been tested rigorously ...
Lozano Rafael+5 more
doaj +5 more sources
Performance of the Tariff Method: validation of a simple additive algorithm for analysis of verbal autopsies [PDF]
Background Verbal autopsies provide valuable information for studying mortality patterns in populations that lack reliable vital registration data.
Murray Christopher JL+2 more
doaj +5 more sources
Verbal Autopsy Methods with Multiple Causes of Death [PDF]
Verbal autopsy procedures are widely used for estimating cause-specific mortality in areas without medical death certification. Data on symptoms reported by caregivers along with the cause of death are collected from a medical facility, and the cause-of-death distribution is estimated in the population where only symptom data are available.
King, Gary, Lu, Ying
arxiv +5 more sources
Local perceptions of causes of death in rural South Africa: a comparison of perceived and verbal autopsy causes of death [PDF]
Background: Understanding how lay people perceive the causes of mortality and their associated risk factors is important for public health. In resource-limited settings, where verbal autopsy (VA) is used as the most expedient method of determining cause ...
Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb+4 more
doaj +3 more sources
Effects of recall time on cause-of-death findings using verbal autopsy: empirical evidence from rural South Africa [PDF]
Background Verbal autopsy (VA) is a widely used technique for assigning causes to non-medically certified deaths using information gathered from a close caregiver. Both operational and cultural factors may cause delays in follow-up of deaths.
Laith Hussain-Alkhateeb+5 more
doaj +2 more sources
Validation of verbal autopsy tool for ascertaining the causes of stillbirth. [PDF]
OBJECTIVE:To assess performance of the WHO revised verbal autopsy tool for ascertaining the causes of still birth in comparison with reference standard cause of death ascertained by standardized clinical and supportive data.
Sidrah Nausheen+12 more
doaj +5 more sources
Probabilistic Cause-of-death Assignment using Verbal Autopsies [PDF]
In regions without complete-coverage civil registration and vital statistics systems there is uncertainty about even the most basic demographic indicators. In such areas the majority of deaths occur outside hospitals and are not recorded. Worldwide, fewer than one-third of deaths are assigned a cause, with the least information available from the most ...
Tyler H. McCormick+5 more
arxiv +3 more sources