Vertex maps on graphs – Perron–Frobenius theory [PDF]
The goal of this paper is to describe the connections between Perron-Frobenius theory and vertex maps on graphs. In particular, it is shown how Perron-Frobenius theory gives results about the sets of integers that can arise as periods of periodic orbits, about the concepts of transitivity and topological mixing, and about horseshoes and topological ...
Chris Bernhardt
+9 more sources
A Generalization of a Theorem of Diderrich in Additive Group Theory to Vertex-transitive Graphs
AbstractLetX1,X2,... ,Xkbe a family of vertex-transitive graphs without triangles on the same vertex-set. We consider the set Λ of vertices which can be reached from a given vertexaby a pathe1· ··et, whereeiis an edge ofXrj(i)with1≤j(1)
Isabelle Salaün
openaire +3 more sources
An Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for Solving Connected Vertex Cover Problem in Graph Theory
The connected vertex cover (CVC) problem is a variant of the vertex cover problem, which has many important applications, such as wireless network design, routing and wavelength assignment problem, etc. A good algorithm for the problem can help us improve engineering efficiency, cost savings and resources in industrial applications.
Zhang, Yongfei+5 more
openaire +3 more sources
Online Graph Learning via Time-Vertex Adaptive Filters: From Theory to Cardiac Fibrillation [PDF]
Graph Signal Processing (GSP) provides a powerful framework for analysing complex, interconnected systems by modelling data as signals on graphs. Recent advances in GSP have enabled the learning of graph structures from observed signals, but these methods often struggle with time-varying systems and real-time applications. Adaptive filtering techniques,
Jenkins, Alexander+4 more
openaire +3 more sources
Relation algebras and vertex conditions in graph theory
The scheme associated with a graph is an association scheme iff the graph is strongly regular. Consider the problem of extending such an association scheme to a superscheme. The obstacles can be expressed in terms of f-vertex conditions. If a graph does not satisfy the i-vertex condition, a presuperscheme associated with it cannot be erected beyond the
Jerzy Wojdyło
openaire +3 more sources
Advancing Graph Theory with Genetic Algorithms: AFocus on Non-Inclusive Vertex Irregular Labeling
Non-inclusive irregular vertex labeling is a labeling on a graph where the vertex labels are real numbers with weights. The weight is defined as the sum of the labels of the connected nodes. The main problem in labeling graphs is finding the formula to apply the required labeling rules.
Kiswara Agung Santoso+3 more
openaire +2 more sources
On almost hypohamiltonian graphs [PDF]
A graph $G$ is almost hypohamiltonian (a.h.) if $G$ is non-hamiltonian, there exists a vertex $w$ in $G$ such that $G - w$ is non-hamiltonian, and $G - v$ is hamiltonian for every vertex $v \ne w$ in $G$. The second author asked in [J.
Jan Goedgebeur, Carol T. Zamfirescu
doaj +6 more sources
On dominating graph of graphs, median graphs and partial cubes, and graphs in which complement of every minimal dominating set is minimal dominating [PDF]
The dominating graph of a graph G is a graph whose vertices correspond to the dominating sets of G and two vertices are adjacent whenever their corresponding dominating sets differ in exactly one vertex. Studying properties of dominating graph has become an increasingly interesting subject in domination theory.
Mofidi, Alireza
arxiv +2 more sources
Graph Signal Processing: Dualizing GSP Sampling in the Vertex and Spectral Domains [PDF]
Vertex based and spectral based GSP sampling has been studied recently. The literature recognizes that methods in one domain do not have a counterpart in the other domain.
John Shi, J. Moura
semanticscholar +1 more source
Graph pebbling number and model [PDF]
There are many topics in graph theory that can be called ``moving objects around a graph". For example; In network optimization, shipments are transferred from some vertices (resources) to other vertices (demand) according to the costs allocated to the ...
Fatemeh Aghaei Meybodi, Saeed Alikhani
doaj +1 more source