Results 1 to 10 of about 56,130 (363)

Lesion Location and Possible Etiology of Acute Unilateral Vestibulopathy [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal of General Medicine
Menglu Zhang,1,2,* Jianrong Wang,1,2,* Siru Xue,1 Shui Liu,3 Kangzhi Li,4 Tongtong Zhao,1,2 Yufei Feng,1,2 Rubo Sui,2 Bentao Yang,5 Xu Yang1 1Department of Neurology, Aerospace Center Hospital, Peking University Aerospace School of Clinical ...
Zhang M   +9 more
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The Outer Vestibule of the Na+ Channel–Toxin Receptor and Modulator of Permeation as Well as Gating [PDF]

open access: yesMarine Drugs, 2010
The outer vestibule of voltage-gated Na+ channels is formed by extracellular loops connecting the S5 and S6 segments of all four domains (“P-loops”), which fold back into the membrane. Classically, this structure has been implicated in the control of ion
René Cervenka   +3 more
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Stochastic characterization of navigation strategies in an automated variant of the Barnes maze [PDF]

open access: yeseLife
Animals can use a repertoire of strategies to navigate in an environment, and it remains an intriguing question how these strategies are selected based on the nature and familiarity of environments.
Ju-Young Lee   +2 more
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Lessons learned in delayed identification of a misplaced electrode array in the vestibule [PDF]

open access: yesJournal of Otology
To report a case of cochlear implantation with a misplaced electrode array in the vestibule and the causes for the delay in identification. A 23-year-old male with left single-sided deafness underwent cochlear implantation.
Huey Ting Diong   +3 more
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Advanced Imaging of the Vestibular Endolymphatic Space in Ménière's Disease

open access: yesFrontiers in Surgery, 2021
The diagnosis of “definite” Méniére's disease (MD) relies upon its clinical manifestations. MD has been related with Endolymphatic Hydrops (EH), an enlargement of the endolymphatic spaces (ES) (cochlear duct, posterior labyrinth, or both).
Diego Zanetti   +8 more
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Ophiorrhiza shiqianensis (Rubiaceae), a new species from Guizhou, China [PDF]

open access: yesPhytoKeys, 2019
A new species of the genus Ophiorrhiza L. (Rubiaceae), Ophiorrhiza shiqianensis L.D.Duan & Yun Lin, is described, illustrated and photographed from Shiqian County, Guizhou Province, South-western China.
Lin-Dong Duan, Yun Lin, Zhen Lu
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A Comprehensive Literature Review on the Architecture of the Upper Labial Frena [PDF]

open access: yesInternational Journal of Anatomy Radiology and Surgery, 2021
Over the past few years, various surgical procedures have evolved that focus on releasing the taut superior labial frena in infants, yet little is known about their normal or variant morphology despite the growing incidence of severe upper labial frenar
S Surraj   +4 more
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Endolymphatic hydrops asymmetry distinguishes patients with Meniere’s disease from normal controls with high sensitivity and specificity

open access: yesFrontiers in Neurology, 2023
BackgroundMany endolymphatic hydrops (EH) MRI studies in the literature do not include a normal control group. Consequently, it remains unclear which outcome measure in EH MRI can most effectively distinguish between MD patients and normal controls ...
Tae-Soo Noh   +6 more
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Beneficial effects of time‐restricted feeding on gentamicin cytotoxicity in mouse cochlea and vestibular organs

open access: yesLaryngoscope Investigative Otolaryngology, 2022
Objective Time restricted feeding (TRF), which is an intermittent fasting protocol, has been reported to decrease the toxicity and mortality rate associated with systemic gentamicin (GM) administration.
Ying Gao   +4 more
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Oral Administration of TrkB Agonist, 7, 8–Dihydroxyflavone Regenerates Hair Cells and Restores Function after Gentamicin–Induced Vestibular Injury in Guinea Pig

open access: yesPharmaceutics, 2023
The causes of vestibular dysfunction include the loss of hair cells (HCs), synapses beneath the HCs, and nerve fibers. 7, 8–dihydroxyflavone (DHF) mimics the physiological functions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor. We investigated the effects of the
Makoto Kinoshita   +4 more
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